Designed Spray

American scientist David Edwards teamed up with French designer Philippe Starck to create a mouth deodorant «WA | HH», the contents of which instantly intoxicates you for a few seconds. At the same time you do not need to drink alcohol, and the next morning to fight the nausea, headaches and other side effektami.

This miracle spray, according to its creators, is absolutely harmless to health. Each "dose" are 0, 075 milliliters of alcohol, so it is necessary to make at least a thousand injections to really take a drop too much, writes drunov. "We asked the question: can we provide people with the same pleasant feelings they get from alcohol, but to protect them from drunkenness?" - Says Stark.

One spray «WA | HH Quantum Sensation» contains a total of 2 milligrams of alcohol, which is enough to make you the very "pleasant" many, many times. Moreover, it is so convenient and safe that you can even be tested alcotester as soon as the alcohol in the mouth dry. On the one hand, spray «WA | HH» - pretty stupid and useless the invention, but on the other hand, it could gradually help alcoholics overcome their habit and stop drinking alcohol in large kolichestvah.

Perhaps the only drawback of this invention is its price - $ 26. Most people would probably prefer to get drunk old-fashioned way. See also: Australian perfumers developed a perfume with the scent of a laptop «Apple». Soon there will be perfume capsules that should be swallowed. Useful stuff for rasteryasha. Unusual accommodation.
Source: ukrnews24.com/razrabotan-sprej-vyzyvayushhij-momentalnoe-opyanenie/