The vortex on Saturn
through images Cassini, made on November 27 this year, can now be considered in more detail a huge whirlwind raging on Saturn. Presented below image was taken at a time when the machine is at a distance of 383 km from the planet's surface. Due to the movement of clouds in black and white in some places nechetkoe.
At the other color image created from multiple images, seen the same vortex, only slightly different tochki.
The photo shows a central vortex at the north pole of Saturn. Around him there is a huge hexagonal formation, which on the above images invisible. Hexagon on Saturn has a diameter of about 25 thousand. Km. It can be seen in another image, also received 27 noyabrya.
Source: zhelezyaka.com/novosti/kosmos/cassini-zapechatlel-gigantskiy-vihr-na-saturne-7574/