Gallium - a rare metal

Gallium - is a chemical element with atomic number 31. It belongs to the group of light metals and denoted by the symbol "Ga". Gallium in pure form not found in nature, but its connections to trace amounts contained in the bauxite and zinc ores. Gallium - soft ductile metal silver. At low temperatures it is solid but melts at a temperature not much above room (29, 8 ° C). In the video below you can see how a spoon of gallium melts in the cup with hot chaem.

1. Since the discovery of the element in 1875, before the era of semiconductors, gallium mainly used to create the low-melting splavov.

2. Currently, all gallium is used in mikroelektronike.

3. Gallium arsenide, a compound used by the main element used in microwave circuits and infrared prilozheniyah.

4. Gallium nitride is used less in the creation of semiconductor lasers and light-emitting diodes of blue and ultraviolet diapazona.

5. gallium no known biological role of science. However, since the compounds of gallium and iron salts behave similarly in biological systems, often replaced by gallium ions iron ions in the medical primenenii.

6. The developed pharmaceutical and radiopharmaceuticals containing galliy.

Source: bigpicture.ru/?p=378124