Disposable stick

Nowadays, USB-stick, like a mobile phone, should always be at hand. But these small devices, like pens and pencils, are always lost, traveling from one bag to another. For all bunglers come up with a new device - GIGS.2.GO sized plastic card, containing the four, we can say disposable nakopitelya.

To the delight of all the "green": the so-called housing vouchers flash drives made of recycled cardboard. Each flash card can hold 1GB GIGS.2.GO information. Such drive and do not mind to lose, and it is quite inexpensive. So the next time someone need a flash card - with a light heart, you can share the device. Ease GIGS.2.GO lies in the fact that a complete set to lose more complicated than one drive in view of the large razmerov.

Compact drives GIGS.2.GO perfectly fit in your purse or CardHolder. Disposable stick named because of the concept of the use of "tear off, write down the information, give and forget" because no one will mourn because of the 1-gigabyte drive. However, USB-sticks themselves fully functional and can withstand many cycles of rewriting as electronic filling GIGS.2.GO not be recycled, unlike the housing.
Source: mirfactov.com/
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