In India deified boy with a tail

12-year-old boy Balaji Indians recognized as the incarnation of a local deity - Hanuman the Monkey King. The fact that a child from birth on the back of growing rather long hvost.

A lot of people come to the temple Arrshid Ali Khan to worship Balaji. People often leave money or gifts in exchange for blessings from the boy. Balaji himself very pleased with it, he believes his tail godsend, despite the opinion of vrachey.

Doctors believe that the boy meningocele - a form of spinal or cranial hernia, resulting in the boy's future may appear severe health problems if you do not take appropriate mery.

Balaji lives with his grandfather and grandmother Iqbal Suraya. He says that people revere him and respected for his unusual appearance. He did not feel sick, on the contrary, considers special.
Source: mirfactov.com/