25 habits, which should be discarded

1. I hate the fact that you do not like.
2. Communicate with the people who are killing your self-esteem
3. Think about what others will say.
4. Go with the flow and choose the path of least resistance.
5. Keep your mind and all feelings to himself.
6. afraid to take risks.
7. Try to please everybody.
8. Forget about relatives and parents.
9. Carry out all the free time in the four walls.
10. Constantly rush.
11. condemns himself.
12. To be afraid of mistakes.
13. Saying, "I can not" and set yourself up for failure.
14. Compare yourself with others.
15. dwell on the past.
16. Thinking about the future.
17. Complaining about life.
18. Hold a grudge.
19. Buy and keep unnecessary things.
20. To shift the responsibility onto others.
21. make promises that you can not keep.
22. Think about the poor.
23. Ashamed.
24. envy.
25. frowns.