8 reasons to quit your job in 2013

Translation sensational article James Altushera - investor, entrepreneur and author of numerous publications.
1. Corporations do not care about you.
Recently editor of a major news publication complained to me: "Our authors have taken fashion to provide your twitter under publications. Their tweeters signed by many people, and the authors are beginning to demand a pay rise ».
"So what's the problem?" - I asked. "Do not you want your authors were popular and respected on the web?»
"No. We are a news publication. We do not want to grow stars ».
In other words, his job was to destroy the career aspirations of its employees. He would even prefer that the authors have worked less and less, just to be loyal and continued to work on the same terms.
2. More money does not mean more happiness.
Studies show that the increase in income increases the level of happiness by a small amount. Or does not increase. Suppose your salary is $ 2,000. It increased to $ 500. You buy a new computer, sofa, TV more. And then wonder, "Where did the money go?»
Do not hold the job for the sake of gain. It will not save you from the fear of the future. The present value of free time and have the opportunity to go to work when you feel like it.
3. Calculate how many people can ruin your life one solution.
If you are employed, you are likely to have one person from whom you are strongly dependent. It's your boss. Someday he will seize this opportunity. How to stop him? Spread the risk. Let such people will have a lot, but the actions of each of them individually should not hurt you much.
4. Do not expect to retire.
I do not care about the size of my pension savings. Pension - a myth. Inflation will eat it and incompetent managers of pension funds. Even under the most optimistic scenario, the pension is not allowed to live the way you live now.
The only way to avoid this - not work for retirement, but for themselves. Everyone can be an entrepreneur. Even if very small, with only one person in the "state" - himself.
5. Excuses.
"I'm too old." "I'm not is creative." "I have children." All these are just words.
Once I was at a party. I was approached by stunningly beautiful woman and said, "James, how are you?»
WHAT? Who is she? "- Flashed through my head. I returned the greeting, and myself continued to wonder why it appealed to me. I was too ugly. About who she is, I guess only a few minutes.
Six months ago, her old-fashioned dressed woman fired. She went to collect things and cry. Blurred figure, a view of the 30 years older than actual age, and now this ... She continued to cry until I realized that this is the beginning of a new life.
In the film, George Lucas «THX-1138" shows a similar situation. People live underground in a totalitarian society. They say that on the surface radiation. One of the residents on behalf of THX-1138 runs out. And finds that there is no radiation. There the sun is shining and life is good.
6. Move small steps normally.
"I can not just walk away! - Usually people say. - I need to make a living. " I agree. No one is saying that we should leave the same day. Before running a marathon, people learn to crawl, then walk, then run. Then they train every day, and only then have a chance to beat the marathon.
Start with the list. Write down your goals and work on them every day.
EMPLOYED never give plenty. But you do not realize this until it will break out.
7. replace you.
New technologies, outsourcing, outstaffing wash away the ground from under the middle class. Most professions that existed 20 years ago, is now gone. In 2008-2009, during the crisis, many have reduced. New jobs in return does not appear.
I am a member of the board of directors outstaffing company with a turnover of $ 600 million. I see a reduction in all sectors of the economy. In the opposite direction there is no movement.
8. The idea of the middle class is dead.
A few weeks ago I went to visit his friend, the asset manager to a trillion dollars. He said: "Look out the window." We looked at the skyscrapers around. "What do you see?" - "I do not know." - "They are empty. All offices are empty. The middle class is no more. " I looked closer. Entire floors were submerged in darkness. On several floors were one or two lighted windows, but the rest of the space empty. "Employees do not. They were replaced by outsourcers and computers ", - concluded my friend.
"Not as bad as it seems" - he continued. - "Rich is now becoming more and more people than ever. At the same time there are more temporary staff ».
Until I finally realized: the idea of the middle class is dead. The American dream is dead. And there if she ever? It was just a marketing gimmick.