Okolofutbolnye =)
- Bloke! What color are my eyes?
Khmyrov a surprised look on his back to his wife.
- Honey, is now a break between halves. I can distract from the TV, even if you stand facing me.
- Bloke, you can answer a simple question - what color my eyes are?
- Domestic chemistry learned to paint not only hair, but also your eyes? - Sarcastically asked bloke - they have you on the other side. So now color changes are visible.
- I was just wondering - do you remember or not? - I did not turn his wife. - Yeah! I see. The magazine Cosmopolitan published an article "10 signs that he does not love you?"
- Yes, and here Cosmopolitan? I was just wondering - do you remember ...
- For the first time we met on the street. You're walking down the street, your skirt fluttering in the spring breeze, baring legs amazing shape. I stopped thunderstruck !!! Oh what a woman !!! "If it is not my - my life is aimless and empty" - I said to myself then. And here I come. Thoughts in my head like a drunken man jumping randomly machine-disco. My throat was dry ... What to say of this goddess ... And I was going and said ...
- Eyes bloke !!! What color are your eyes?
- Is not there a second sign, "He does not remember your first date?" - Surprised bloke and continued - your mother's birthday - 18 July. Surprisingly beautiful woman.
I can not wait the chance to wish her a happy birthday.
- Bloke! Mom - 14 July!
- Yes? What are you saying? She looks younger by exactly 4 days. - Undo bloke - What else is there usually? Do not pay attention, did not notice the new haircuts and blouses ...
- Eyes!!! What color are my eyes !!!
- Protein - just white! On Saturday, after the restaurant was reddish, but today - white, like a refrigerator Ariston.
- EYES!!!
- Boring you today. Brown your eyes. Brown and that's it. And our first meeting I do not remember.
- Do not remember?! How could I forget?
- And I do not remember! We have met Sasha at the wedding. Already at the end. From that and I do not remember. In the morning the phone rang and found recorded. Here.
- According to Cosmopolitan - you do not love me.
- What about this talk Faynenshiel Times and Forbes?
- What kind of a man, huh? You can not just say - "I love you, and Cosmopolitan's lying?"
- I can. Cosmopolitan's lying, but I love you. But every minute less and less. Because football has begun, and we are here to solve the tests.
- Football invented Satan! Aby encourage women to adultery on the side.
- Uh-huh. And the Almighty himself wrote the screenplay for "Not Born Beautiful." Before the scandal left the family - nine, eight, seven ...
- I leave - uhozhu.Smotri his football.
- Six, five ... Cancel family scandal. I'm leaving you!!! I'll be back in 45 minutes!
Khmyrov a surprised look on his back to his wife.
- Honey, is now a break between halves. I can distract from the TV, even if you stand facing me.
- Bloke, you can answer a simple question - what color my eyes are?
- Domestic chemistry learned to paint not only hair, but also your eyes? - Sarcastically asked bloke - they have you on the other side. So now color changes are visible.
- I was just wondering - do you remember or not? - I did not turn his wife. - Yeah! I see. The magazine Cosmopolitan published an article "10 signs that he does not love you?"
- Yes, and here Cosmopolitan? I was just wondering - do you remember ...
- For the first time we met on the street. You're walking down the street, your skirt fluttering in the spring breeze, baring legs amazing shape. I stopped thunderstruck !!! Oh what a woman !!! "If it is not my - my life is aimless and empty" - I said to myself then. And here I come. Thoughts in my head like a drunken man jumping randomly machine-disco. My throat was dry ... What to say of this goddess ... And I was going and said ...
- Eyes bloke !!! What color are your eyes?
- Is not there a second sign, "He does not remember your first date?" - Surprised bloke and continued - your mother's birthday - 18 July. Surprisingly beautiful woman.
I can not wait the chance to wish her a happy birthday.
- Bloke! Mom - 14 July!
- Yes? What are you saying? She looks younger by exactly 4 days. - Undo bloke - What else is there usually? Do not pay attention, did not notice the new haircuts and blouses ...
- Eyes!!! What color are my eyes !!!
- Protein - just white! On Saturday, after the restaurant was reddish, but today - white, like a refrigerator Ariston.
- EYES!!!
- Boring you today. Brown your eyes. Brown and that's it. And our first meeting I do not remember.
- Do not remember?! How could I forget?
- And I do not remember! We have met Sasha at the wedding. Already at the end. From that and I do not remember. In the morning the phone rang and found recorded. Here.
- According to Cosmopolitan - you do not love me.
- What about this talk Faynenshiel Times and Forbes?
- What kind of a man, huh? You can not just say - "I love you, and Cosmopolitan's lying?"
- I can. Cosmopolitan's lying, but I love you. But every minute less and less. Because football has begun, and we are here to solve the tests.
- Football invented Satan! Aby encourage women to adultery on the side.
- Uh-huh. And the Almighty himself wrote the screenplay for "Not Born Beautiful." Before the scandal left the family - nine, eight, seven ...
- I leave - uhozhu.Smotri his football.
- Six, five ... Cancel family scandal. I'm leaving you!!! I'll be back in 45 minutes!