Indian astrologer Abigya Anand told what will happen from July to December 2024
Abigyi Ananda shared his new predictions. future It's happening in the world. The young astrologer is sure that the period that people and countries are living now cannot be considered bad. Everything that happens in the world today is strictly controlled by a higher intelligence and makes a huge difference to our planet.
The billions of people living on earth are of great importance to the world. Each individual has a purpose in the development of the world. We are all born with a mission on earth. And if the mission of an artist or writer is to leave behind a memory of the life of his era, then what is the mission of those who are far from creative professions? In order for the planet Earth to function smoothly and clearly, not only thinkers are needed, but also ordinary workers who will transform matter into necessary things.
Until man finds his purpose in life, he will go through cruel trials. This is necessary in order for a person to finally find his way and fulfill his mission. Today, most people do not know their purpose and are forced to lurk half their lives in search of themselves. But as soon as a man finds his way. Everything in his life immediately begins to improve. The same transformation is happening with countries. While the state does not embark on the path of its development, natural disasters, wars and destruction can occur.
The second half of 2024 will be the most difficult. The planet has entered the phase of its transformation that many astrologers and soothsayers have spoken about. This process is inevitable and people need to be prepared for it. In all countries of the world will be terrible cataclysms. These can be natural phenomena, such as an increase in air temperature to critical limits, and tsunamis, and earthquakes. There will also be coups and changes of power.
Many countries whose power today cannot be denied will be weakened. They will face financial crises and mass exodus of their citizens. This will lead to a shortage of workers and industrial stagnation. Other countries, on the contrary, will not be ready for a large influx of immigrants and will simply not have enough jobs. All this will be accompanied by open threats from one country to another. Strong military resistance and riots will resume.
How to save your life in 2024 The main task of people at this time to remain reasonable and not lose their temper. Panic will haunt people around the world and affect every corner of the earth. But this is the transformation process that our planet is conceived of. Our civilization is mired in lies and fear, and the Earth has turned on its natural cleansing mechanism. And it was in the second half of 2024 that this mechanism entered the toughest phase.
Those who can survive these terrible events will move to a new level of self-development. Countries will begin to rebuild and develop. The world will enter a new phase of its existence. New alliances and alliances will be formed, because those that exist today can no longer fulfill their obligations. Many countries that have conquered new lands for centuries will lose these lands. People will return to their national roots and history. New states will form, they will unite in alliances that will bring prosperity and support to these countries.
We wish all our readers to stay safe and survive this difficult time for our planet. Be patient and patient with yourself and others.

The billions of people living on earth are of great importance to the world. Each individual has a purpose in the development of the world. We are all born with a mission on earth. And if the mission of an artist or writer is to leave behind a memory of the life of his era, then what is the mission of those who are far from creative professions? In order for the planet Earth to function smoothly and clearly, not only thinkers are needed, but also ordinary workers who will transform matter into necessary things.

Until man finds his purpose in life, he will go through cruel trials. This is necessary in order for a person to finally find his way and fulfill his mission. Today, most people do not know their purpose and are forced to lurk half their lives in search of themselves. But as soon as a man finds his way. Everything in his life immediately begins to improve. The same transformation is happening with countries. While the state does not embark on the path of its development, natural disasters, wars and destruction can occur.

The second half of 2024 will be the most difficult. The planet has entered the phase of its transformation that many astrologers and soothsayers have spoken about. This process is inevitable and people need to be prepared for it. In all countries of the world will be terrible cataclysms. These can be natural phenomena, such as an increase in air temperature to critical limits, and tsunamis, and earthquakes. There will also be coups and changes of power.

Many countries whose power today cannot be denied will be weakened. They will face financial crises and mass exodus of their citizens. This will lead to a shortage of workers and industrial stagnation. Other countries, on the contrary, will not be ready for a large influx of immigrants and will simply not have enough jobs. All this will be accompanied by open threats from one country to another. Strong military resistance and riots will resume.

How to save your life in 2024 The main task of people at this time to remain reasonable and not lose their temper. Panic will haunt people around the world and affect every corner of the earth. But this is the transformation process that our planet is conceived of. Our civilization is mired in lies and fear, and the Earth has turned on its natural cleansing mechanism. And it was in the second half of 2024 that this mechanism entered the toughest phase.

Those who can survive these terrible events will move to a new level of self-development. Countries will begin to rebuild and develop. The world will enter a new phase of its existence. New alliances and alliances will be formed, because those that exist today can no longer fulfill their obligations. Many countries that have conquered new lands for centuries will lose these lands. People will return to their national roots and history. New states will form, they will unite in alliances that will bring prosperity and support to these countries.

We wish all our readers to stay safe and survive this difficult time for our planet. Be patient and patient with yourself and others.
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