Alla Pugacheva scared Stas Mikhailov: “I would get on my knees, but the legs are wrong”

Popularity Stasa Mikhailova In Russia over the past two years has increased dramatically. It is not that his audience has changed significantly, but it has expanded slightly. The number of stars on the Russian stage has sharply decreased and continues to decline today. The main supporters of the political regime of the country continue to sing songs and give their soul for their beloved country. Life is still not ready to give, so admire Russia on every corner. So Stas Mikhailov continues to perform popular songs for listeners.

Instagram Stas Mikhailov, popular songs He who promised paradise on earth, decided not to lag behind the general hat Pugacheva. A sex symbol of Russian pop, who made a decent fortune on the naivety of his fans, supported Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine two years ago. Also Stas Mikhailov continues to be a confidant of the current President of Russia in the upcoming elections. In general, all activities of Stas Mikhailov are aimed at making money, and in large quantities.

Instagram Stas Mikhailov popular songs for women At one of his last concerts, Stas Mikhailov decided to shine with his superiority. From the stage, he said that the stars who left Russia should kiss the land of the country when they return. For some reason, Stas Mikhailov is sure that those who left are living poorly. Or he was just prescribed in the manual. Since the culprit of the concert outside Russia has been repeatedly and even has some real estate there. But it continues to broadcast how bad it is to live where Russia ends.

Instagram Alla Pugacheva for two years that left the country, little commented on the news about himself. But lately, the amount of this news has become so great that the Diva simply cannot remain silent. At first, they actively discussed the news of her secret visit to Russia and wondered why she did it. Then in the Network there was a rumor that Alla Pugacheva releases an album with his farewell concert. The diva addressed her fans and detractors and said: "Thank you for not forgetting and even releasing my album." The singer herself hinted at the release of a new song.

Now Alla Borisovna could not resist and decided to comment on the statement of Stas Mikhailov. First, she called him tenderly disparaging Stasik. Thus, it lowered all its greatness to the level of the plinth. Second, she advised him to make as much money as possible while he had the chance. While talented people have left the country. She was especially amused by the phrase that Stas Mikhailov called her a “voiceless singer”. Despite the fact that Stas Mikhailov himself could not overcome the level of chanson song for all the time. And the last thing Alla Pugacheva told Stas Mikhailov was that she called him an indecent word.

The video that Primadonna recorded in his Instagram, very quickly spread on the Network. There, the singer laughs at the loud statement once a former colleague on the shop. And, apparently, the Diva is not going to stop there. And now we will often hear comments from her about the various stars who have stayed in Russia. It seems that Alla Borisovna has finished all her business in this country and now does not hesitate to say everything that has accumulated on her soul.


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