Money in the house will attract zamiokulkas, or dollar tree! A chic plant...

I don't know about you, but I used to think money-tree It's considered fat. It turns out that this pot is not the only plant that brings material well-being to the house.

There is another interesting representative of green pets - zamiokulkas, which has a stronger monetary energy than a fat woman. In addition, this pot is completely unpretentious in care.

My close friend believes that she owes her female happiness to this pot. She got a handsome green for her birthday. Being a big amateur houseplantsShe did everything so that after six months of proper care, the zamioculcas blossomed! Two months later, the girl got married.

Dollar tree: home care Main recommendations
  1. For watering, it is important to use only soft settled water.
  2. The best dollar tree grows in a bright place near windows that face west or east.
  3. From April to August, every two weeks, the plant needs feeding. Suitable fertilizers for cacti and succulents.
  4. The thick and fleshy stems of the zamioculcas need support, otherwise it may begin to collapse.
  5. Do not forget to wipe and spray the leaves of the plant.
  6. In winter, it would be good to move the pot closer to the window.
  7. On summer days, take the vase out into the open air. For this, a balcony or garden is suitable.


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