Beard cutting hydrangeas in autumn, so that they easily overwinter and become even more beautiful
Everyone loves flowers. Even the most masculine man will not refuse a bouquet offered to him by some unknown girl. It's true. Why not? But for this you need to know what and how to grow. Here, for example, hydrangea. What do you know about that? The question is not that complicated, but not very well known.
Flowers are quite popular. They can be found everywhere. But how to grow them, and even more so reproduce, is known only to a few. If you want to join the club of experts, we suggest paying attention to this article. You can learn a lot of useful and interesting things. Let's go.
Harvesting of hydrangeas Methods of reproduction of hydrangeas
In fact, the first option, it is the reproduction of seeds, in practice. never used. Since the chance of a beautiful well-groomed bush is quite small in the end. Most often, hydrangea is reproduced with ordinary cuttings. It is so simple and besides, you can not worry about the future appearance of the flower. Parental genes are a serious thing.
In fact, there is an opinion that cutting is best done in the spring. Then the plant feels best and the weather promotes rooting. But it's not exactly true. In the autumn, when the shoots of hydrangea have already become stiff, cutting is not only possible, but also necessary. Moreover, wooden bark shoots perfectly interact with the conditions of an ordinary apartment.
Advised. The best branches of hydrangea, which by this time were covered with bark, should not be thrown away, but left for cutting. Thus, the plant will become stronger, will have more interesting flowering, and the color of the flowers (sorry for the pun) will surprise gardeners. But not everyone knows that.
Which, in fact, is necessary. Cut off from the bush branch (the most presentable visually) about 15 centimeters long with three well-defined buds. This is our perfect example for cutting. Such branches can be many, but do not try to cut any copy, the result will be unsuccessful.
Then we find the right container. It could be a trimmed plastic water bottle. Let the cuttings take root. But then you'll need more attention. At the bottom of the container, we lay drainage, namely about 5 cm of ceramsite or small pebbles. Next is a good, high-quality soil. Ideal if it comes from the store. There is a balance of acidity and the amount of fertilized land.
If you are in the subject, then breed peat and coarse sand in a proportion of 2 to 1 and just make sure that the soil of the cuttings does not dry out. Nothing more will be needed.
Place the cuttings in moist soil to a depth of about 5 cm. Cover with a plastic bag. Give him access to the sun and keep him warm. Keep the soil moistened. When your kidneys swell, remove the bag. The cut is ready. Everything should take about a month.
Tender cuttings of hydrangea are planted at the very end of spring. The thing is that they should be cherished with warmth and love. If you are more strict with your green pets and want to grow something stronger and more stubborn out of them, just take the cuttings out on the balcony from time to time. In the future, the bush will thank you.
How to divide the bush of hydrangea In fact, you need to wait for autumn. At this time, the leaves of hydrangeas turn yellow and fall. But that's exactly what we need. Take the time, be patient and:
A couple of options. Braids and offspring. In fact, these are very similar processes. Braids are also part of the root system of hydrangeas, which must be separated in time to obtain new bushes of hydrangeas. The offspring are separate branches that exist together with the root, of course, separately from the base bush.
All of them can be used for reproduction and do not need to be removed and discarded, as some gardeners do. How? We will probably talk about this in our next articles.
Since hydrangea is a favorite plant of many of our gardeners, we would like to draw your attention to their reproduction and care. This plant can decorate a summer cottage, a private house or a plot adjacent to a residential city building. And what to do and how you can find out from us easily and "Site".

Flowers are quite popular. They can be found everywhere. But how to grow them, and even more so reproduce, is known only to a few. If you want to join the club of experts, we suggest paying attention to this article. You can learn a lot of useful and interesting things. Let's go.
Harvesting of hydrangeas Methods of reproduction of hydrangeas
- seed
- rooting
- subdividing
- casting
- root-child

In fact, the first option, it is the reproduction of seeds, in practice. never used. Since the chance of a beautiful well-groomed bush is quite small in the end. Most often, hydrangea is reproduced with ordinary cuttings. It is so simple and besides, you can not worry about the future appearance of the flower. Parental genes are a serious thing.
In fact, there is an opinion that cutting is best done in the spring. Then the plant feels best and the weather promotes rooting. But it's not exactly true. In the autumn, when the shoots of hydrangea have already become stiff, cutting is not only possible, but also necessary. Moreover, wooden bark shoots perfectly interact with the conditions of an ordinary apartment.

Advised. The best branches of hydrangea, which by this time were covered with bark, should not be thrown away, but left for cutting. Thus, the plant will become stronger, will have more interesting flowering, and the color of the flowers (sorry for the pun) will surprise gardeners. But not everyone knows that.
Which, in fact, is necessary. Cut off from the bush branch (the most presentable visually) about 15 centimeters long with three well-defined buds. This is our perfect example for cutting. Such branches can be many, but do not try to cut any copy, the result will be unsuccessful.

Then we find the right container. It could be a trimmed plastic water bottle. Let the cuttings take root. But then you'll need more attention. At the bottom of the container, we lay drainage, namely about 5 cm of ceramsite or small pebbles. Next is a good, high-quality soil. Ideal if it comes from the store. There is a balance of acidity and the amount of fertilized land.
If you are in the subject, then breed peat and coarse sand in a proportion of 2 to 1 and just make sure that the soil of the cuttings does not dry out. Nothing more will be needed.
Place the cuttings in moist soil to a depth of about 5 cm. Cover with a plastic bag. Give him access to the sun and keep him warm. Keep the soil moistened. When your kidneys swell, remove the bag. The cut is ready. Everything should take about a month.

Tender cuttings of hydrangea are planted at the very end of spring. The thing is that they should be cherished with warmth and love. If you are more strict with your green pets and want to grow something stronger and more stubborn out of them, just take the cuttings out on the balcony from time to time. In the future, the bush will thank you.
How to divide the bush of hydrangea In fact, you need to wait for autumn. At this time, the leaves of hydrangeas turn yellow and fall. But that's exactly what we need. Take the time, be patient and:

- We dig a bush, trying not to hurt the roots.
- wash the roots of the hose with ordinary water;
- divide the bush into several parts, it is important that they were visible kidneys;
- the tips of long roots are simply cut off and smeared with coal or green;
- We plant new bushes to the same depth where they grew before.
A couple of options. Braids and offspring. In fact, these are very similar processes. Braids are also part of the root system of hydrangeas, which must be separated in time to obtain new bushes of hydrangeas. The offspring are separate branches that exist together with the root, of course, separately from the base bush.

All of them can be used for reproduction and do not need to be removed and discarded, as some gardeners do. How? We will probably talk about this in our next articles.
Since hydrangea is a favorite plant of many of our gardeners, we would like to draw your attention to their reproduction and care. This plant can decorate a summer cottage, a private house or a plot adjacent to a residential city building. And what to do and how you can find out from us easily and "Site".
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