Preparing for the planting season, carefully studying the sowing calendar for March 2022

I do not know what will happen next with the work, with the whole situation in the country and not only. Therefore, all hopes for a garden and a dacha. I'm already studying the lunar seed calendar. March 2022. I even made a detailed plan, guided only by this lunar calendar. Successful days and good mood increase the success of agricultural work!

Today's edition. "Site" prepared for you, dear reader, lunar calendar March. Exact instructions!

The lunar sowing calendar for March 2022 is the first month of spring. The most important work in the garden and garden begins now. At this time, it is worth deciding on the areas of sowing crops and the availability of seeds for this. You can also start this month. plantPrepare the soil for planting and apply fertilizer. In the garden, it is worth checking the condition of the trees after winter frosts, pruning and loosening the soil around the bushes.

The ancient Slavs since ancient times compared agricultural work with the position of the Sun and the sun, and they never deceived them! Therefore, before starting gardening, it is worth checking with lunar.

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Post by Gardener Center (@centrsadovoda)

March 1st, 2nd and 3rd fall on the days of the new moon. These days are not quite good for gardening with plants.

But the 4th and 5th of March are very favorable for sowing seedlings of tomatoes, eggplant and pepper. Also suitable for sowing spinach, lettuce leaf, dill, radish and onions on the feather.

March 6th, 7th and 8th - The moon grows, which means it's time to start sowing early tomatoes and cucumbers, eggplant, cabbage, sweet and bitter pepper. Sprouting and soaking seeds, planting root vegetables.

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Publication by Alexander Osipov (@aleandr0sipov)

In the garden you can prune dry branches. Flowers are a great time to grow perennial flowers. Working with plant roots is not recommended.

On March 9 and 10, you can start sowing Beijing and cauliflower for seedlings, parsley, radish, bitter pepper and watercress. Passenging, pest control and loosening of dry land.

Flowers can be engaged in planting ampel and curly plants. Watering, all types of feeding and pruning of trees are not recommended.

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Posted by Galina Chichagova (@chichagovagalina)

The 11th, 12th and 13th of March is a great period for distilling parsley, dill, sorrel and celery greens. Soaking seeds, picking and root feeding. Watering should be moderate. You can plant seedlings in the greenhouse.

On March 14th and 15th it is good to engage in dry earth loosening and preparation of beds. You can start cutting trees in the garden. But sowing, planting, fertilizing and watering plants is not recommended.

On March 16-18, the full moon falls, so you should be more careful with gardening.

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Publication from the weekend dacha. (@summer_dachnik)

On March 19 and 20, you should not prune fruit plants. You can loosen the ground around the plants and thin the seedlings.

The 21st and 22nd of March are quite favorable for planting c protected soil of salad and spicy crops.

On March 23 and 24, you can sow seeds of tomatoes, peppers and eggplant for seedlings.

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Publication by Yukapitomnik•VORONEZH•Centryuka (@uka_pitomnik)

March 25th and 26th are favorable days for sowing and planting potatoes, beets, carrots and onions. But on the 28th and 29th of March, it is better not to engage in gardening, especially for irrigation and fertilizing plants. But you can thin out seedlings.

On March 29 and 30, start planting salad and spicy plants. You can plant potatoes, feed flowering and vegetable plants. On March 31, it is better to refrain from watering and fertilizing. If impatient, then you can sow lettuce, mustard, spinach and parsley.

I also suggest getting acquainted with the intricacies of growing petunias, sowing of which should be carried out before the end of March. With such a plant, your land will look much better.

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Publication by Prorost (@prorostgk)

Be sure to save yourself this lunar seed-card March 2022. Personally, I don't stick to the lunar calendar 100%: with my scale, that's impossible. But I like it when landings coincide with auspicious days.


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