Frightened when they began to blacken and fall leaves from the money tree, the neighbor said that this is bad luck.

Money tree leaves It can be a reliable helper for every flower grower. They act as a universal signal if something is wrong with the plant. How to recognize the tips of this handsome man from the world of flora and interpret them correctly? What is the reason for the extremely rapid drop of leaves?

The leaves of the money tree Tolstoy, or Krassula, is a succulent native to South Africa, accustomed to hot climates and long dry periods. The plant was called the money tree in the common people because of the visual similarity of the leaves with coins. Some types of fat can accumulate small amounts of arsenic in the leaves when they grow in a natural environment. Homemade crassula is not dangerous to humans.

Crassula has many species, but the one that is used in domestic floriculture is called fat ovoid or fat oval. The money tree It is not the only popular name for this plant. Fat girl is also called the tree of luck, friendship, jade tree (due to the rich green color).

Many housewives fell in love with a fat woman for her unpretentiousness and ease of care. The plant receives water on the principle “it is better not to add more than pour”, does not need bright sun and frequent fertilization. But even such a plant can sometimes behave fastidiously and even get sick. Fatty woman first. leafy.

At first, Krassula does not seem to appear, but leaves weaken over time And they start to crumble. The picture does not consist of pleasant ones, because the fat woman simply balds, leaving only lonely stems. Moreover, the leaves fall quite quickly, so you need to react lightning fast.

There is a serious problem. four main enemies of the fat man. And the first one is a draft. This plant does not like sudden temperature changes, so it is unlikely to appreciate the location of its pot close to the front door or window. In addition, it is important to take into account the temperature of the water used for irrigation. It must be optimal so as not to harm the roots of the flower.

Leaves may fall because of feeding or its absolute absence. It is better not to disturb the plant during flowering or after transplantation, since at this time it is already very stressful. Moreover, fertilizer should in no case fall on the leaves or stems. Watering with fertilizers is recommended strictly under the root.

Crassula certainly loves warmth and sunlight, but that doesn’t mean she should be exposed. sunny. See the place where the fat woman used to stand. Could it be that direct sunlight has damaged the tree? If so, then immediately remove him into the shadow until he gradually recovers.

Well, the last point, which is considered the main pest of the money tree. It's overhydration. If you carefully examine the plant, you can conclude that it retains some water in its fleshy leaves. Because of this, Krassula does not need intensive watering. In order not to spoil the tree, you need to create a kind of watering schedule. The soil in the pot should not be too dry or too wet.

Let’s say that the money tree suddenly began to hurt and lose its leaves. What do we do? By the way, there is an opinion that if the plant withers, it will definitely lead to a deterioration in the financial situation of the owners of the house. We will not consider this side of the issue, since such conjectures are likely to turn out to be a myth. How to save an affected money tree?

Take a close look at the fat woman and determine what could cause the condition of the flower to deteriorate. Over-watering? Temporarily stop watering. Scorching sun? Quickly move the plant into the shade. You can also try to bring the fat woman back to life through transplantation.

Prepare pots of the appropriate size and pull the plants out of old pots. Carefully clean the roots of the ground and then wash them with warm water. Examine the roots, and then cut off all the damaged areas. You can make a pink solution of potassium permanganate and immerse a sick fat woman there for 20 minutes. As soon as time passes, take out the plant and put it on a clean dry towel.

Try to be very scrupulous with your green friends, so that the plants will thank the lush and beautiful flowering. Do you love me? money-tree? Is this plant in your house?


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