Anti-trends of the summer
Only in the summer you can please your body, wearing a minimum of clothes made of light fabrics. It would seem that she wore shorts with a T-shirt or a dress and went quietly into people. No complicated combinations of colors and textures, outerwear, scarfs. But there are still annoying mistakes in the form of things that can spoil your life. summerlike.
Stylists told about the 9 most common slip-upWomen choose to wear summer clothes. Of course, everyone has their own taste, but "Site" I decided to make you aware of these mistakes.
Anti-trends of the summer
Wear what you want. But do not forget that the outfit should be appropriate. And always think about whether your body will be comfortable in certain clothes. Summer is the only time we can let our skin breathe.

Stylists told about the 9 most common slip-upWomen choose to wear summer clothes. Of course, everyone has their own taste, but "Site" I decided to make you aware of these mistakes.
Anti-trends of the summer
- linen
In summer, the body wants to breathe, but you should not forget about underwear. After all, the absence of a bra under a T-shirt or T-shirt looks vulgar, especially if the chest has already lost elasticity. Another mistake is the wrong color. Often, light fabrics are slightly translucent, so put on body linen or choose it to the color of clothes.
DepositPhotos - Vietnamese
Vietnamese are beach shoes. Therefore, you should not wear them for a walk in the city. The same goes for the legendary rubber flippers. Give preference to leather sandals or fabric espadrillas. And do not forget that open shoes are friendly only with well-groomed feet and neat pedicure.
DepositPhotos - Transparent clothing
Clothing is also a beach theme. In addition, you need to have a perfect figure and a very subtle sense of style to adapt such things to everyday life. The exception can only be an elegant blouse with a beautiful bra under it in combination with a restrained bottom.
DepositPhotos - Tights.
Yes, there are offices and events where the dress code prevents women from giving up nylon tights. In other cases, tights in the summer are taboo. If the legs are very white or at points after shaving, then special lotions with reflective particles and a light toning effect will come to your aid. And the combination of body tights with open shoes is bad taste.
DepositPhotos - Dresses too open
According to the rules, you need to expose either the legs or the neckline area. This rule remains unchanged even when you want to get rid of clothes as much as possible, so that it is not hot. It is especially recommended that women over 45 follow this rule so as not to look mean or funny.
DepositPhotos - Too tight things
Tight clothing in the summer can cause overheating due to the lack of air circulation, and will also emphasize sweaty armpits, and, of course, treacherously surrender all the flaws of the figure. And it is not fashionable to wear such things, now you need to give preference to a free cut.
DepositPhotos - Dress code
A thermometer can show all 40 degrees of heat, but this does not mean that you can come to an official institution or an expensive restaurant in shorts and tops. Things can be good, but inappropriate. For example, summer boots and a straw hat. For working days and serious meetings, you can choose loose pants and a blouse made of linen, for example.
DepositPhotos - Intensive makeup and perfume
All of us, women, want to emphasize their dignity with the help of cosmetics. Don’t make fun of your skin in the heat. Focus on care, not makeup. In addition, bright makeup is not very combined with light clothing of light shades. The same goes for spirits. Choose fresh, unobtrusive fragrances to allow you to breathe fully both yourself and others.
DepositPhotos - Black.
It has long been known that black attracts heat. In addition, on sunny days, your black image will look gloomy and boring. We also do not recommend choosing shoes and bags of black color to light outfits.
Wear what you want. But do not forget that the outfit should be appropriate. And always think about whether your body will be comfortable in certain clothes. Summer is the only time we can let our skin breathe.