How to Care for a Whisky Rose

The wicker rose is a special kind of garden rose that has long shoots. This is a gift for the gardener, since the plant does not require special care for itself, but blooms abundantly.

The wicker rose is used for vertical landscaping. From it form columns, arches, pyramids, garlands. It is used to decorate balconies, arbors, the formation of a living wall along the building.


Varieties of braided roses Plant such roses in May-June in the form of small flowering bushes. Between them maintain a distance of half a meter and 30-50 centimeters between the bush and the future support.


A few weeks before landing, you need to dig up the land and make fertilizers: humus, peat, lime. Before landing in the pit, it is desirable to pour a solution consisting of water, one part of manure, two parts of clay and phosphorobacterin tablets, at the rate of: 3 tablets per 10 liters of solution.


The size of the pit should be approximately 50 by 50 centimeters. The plant is planted so that its root neck is covered by a layer of earth for about 10 centimeters.

Before planting, shoots and roots should be trimmed to a length of 20-30 centimeters to promote the development of a strong root system. Slices lubricate with garden solution, and then ash.

DepositPhotos Planted bush will require care. Until the plant blooms, it will need to be fed with organic and mineral fertilizers alternately. If there is no rain, water once a week.

The wicker rose is susceptible to diseases from which it must be protected. It's powdery dew. It is manifested by the appearance of white spots on the leaves. It is treated with a spray of Bordeaux liquid.


As well as cancer of the bark, in which bright brown spots appear on the stems, grow, blacken and bony. They need to be cut, and the plant is fed with potash fertilizers.

The wicker rose is also often attacked by pests: aphids and spider mites. When this happens, spray the bush with a decoction of herbs. To get them, boil nettle or horsetail for 20 minutes. Use insecticides as a last resort.


For the winter, the roses will have to be wrapped: remove the shoots from the supports and lay on the lapberry or dry leaves, then wrap in a plastic film or other waterproof material and return to the vertical position.

There. winter-proof, which perfectly survive frosts from -1 to -20 ° C. These should be wrapped only if an even greater decrease in temperature is expected. Such varieties include Rosarium Utersen, Westerland, New Down, William Shakespeare 2000, Golden Celebrate.

A with warming bushes need to be pruned: remove frozen, dried and weak branches. Roses wobbly in spring They need to be updated.

In our region usually plant such varieties as Simpathy, Rosarium Utersen, Westerland, Jasmine. They adapt well to our climate and quickly begin to bloom.


When the bush grows, you will be able to reproduce it yourself not only with cuttings, but also with castings. To do this, you will need to press the escape to the ground, fix and fill with soil part of the trunk. It is necessary to periodically water and fertilize this place so that the next year a baby grows out of it, which can be separated from the mother plant.


If you choose the method of cutting, cuttings for reproduction will need to be taken from the middle of shoots with at least four buds. Cut them off only from a faded plant, plant in the shade, also regularly water and fertilize.

And the third way: buy a ready-made seedling and plant on your site. Not the cheapest, but reliable. As long as there is nothing to breed, you can use it.

For more on how to germinate and cut roses, read our next articles. Follow the links.


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