Why you can start preparing for change
“Eclipse” – the word itself already has an appeal, attracts and repels at the same time. For tens of thousands of years, people feared eclipses, hid from them, moved to other regions, thought about the coming of the apocalypse. The scientific world has managed to unravel eclipse-cycleBut he was never able to reveal his secrets.
July 2, 2019 will occur solar eclipse 10 degrees in the sign of Cancer. This eclipse calls us to carry out big plans of public importance. There is a connection of the sun and moon with Venus, while the stars form opposition to Saturn and Pluto, and this hints at the relationship of love with business or big money.
Solar eclipses There are always announcements of beginnings, but this time you should not rush, because Cancer is a very cautious sign. It is necessary to think carefully before starting something new in work, business or personal life.
During eclipses (each of them begins to feel 3 months before and 3 months after) you should be more careful, because the energy of this day is very strong. Our thoughts, actions, and actions can set the stage for the next 12 months.
And to know what to expect from the eclipse on July 2, the editorial board "Site" suggest forecast from the delightful Angela Pearl. Loved by many of our readers astrologer and tarologist Angela Pearl reveals the secrets of the future for each zodiac sign. Cancer, get ready, global change is on the cusp!
This eclipse symbolizes the beginning of a new cycle of life. During this period, the universe seems to push us forward, so that we would take new steps towards our dreams and goals. The events of these days can help you complete the old to make room for new opportunities.
It is also important to know that the decision made on the day of the eclipse is almost impossible to change. Therefore, we advise you, dear reader, not to make any important decisions during the period of July 2-3.
Dedicate this time to self-development, prayer, be calm and try to think positively. And then everything will turn out in the best way!
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July 2, 2019 will occur solar eclipse 10 degrees in the sign of Cancer. This eclipse calls us to carry out big plans of public importance. There is a connection of the sun and moon with Venus, while the stars form opposition to Saturn and Pluto, and this hints at the relationship of love with business or big money.
Solar eclipses There are always announcements of beginnings, but this time you should not rush, because Cancer is a very cautious sign. It is necessary to think carefully before starting something new in work, business or personal life.

During eclipses (each of them begins to feel 3 months before and 3 months after) you should be more careful, because the energy of this day is very strong. Our thoughts, actions, and actions can set the stage for the next 12 months.
And to know what to expect from the eclipse on July 2, the editorial board "Site" suggest forecast from the delightful Angela Pearl. Loved by many of our readers astrologer and tarologist Angela Pearl reveals the secrets of the future for each zodiac sign. Cancer, get ready, global change is on the cusp!
- Aries.
In Aries, this eclipse will take place in the 4th house - the house of family and residence. That is why it is worth devoting maximum time to your family. It is time to talk heart-to-heart with loved ones and, perhaps, forgive if there were resentments against someone inside the family. There will be a sense of calm, security and harmony. A good time to change the place of residence, move, start repairs and update the design of the apartment. - Taurus
The 3rd house - the house of communication and contacts will be included in Taurus during this period to the fullest. It is favorable to walk more, meet and communicate with different people, thereby expanding your social circle. It is also good to review the circle of those with whom you communicate, and understand what people bring you joy and good mood, and after communicating with what you feel a decline. Try to eliminate toxic people from your life, and you will feel a surge of strength and energy. Watch your thoughts, among them an interesting idea may appear, the implementation of which will bring you a good income! - Twins.
In Gemini, the eclipse will turn on the house of money and finance. Financial assistance from loved ones is possible, a job with a higher income and career prospects may appear on the horizon. A good time to buy valuables in the form of a house, car or securities. This eclipse promises Gemini a new stage in life, which is better to meet with joy. And a little physical activity will make you be more energetic and add color to your life! - Cancer
During this period, Cancers will focus on their loved ones. Cosmetic procedures, experiments with appearance and hairstyle - all this will be as successful and well as possible. Cancers will change both internally and externally. This will have a positive impact on future events. Everything is good. This time is the starting point for a new cycle. Go ahead and fear nothing, luck is on your side! - Lev
A good time to start exploring and getting to know yourself. Something old and unnecessary will fade into the background. Cleansing is beneficial both on the physical and mental level. Go on a diet, go to the spa, start meditating. Learn to be in the moment – here and now! If you remember yourself and feel your true needs, then you will be able to strengthen your health and achieve lightness and harmony in your soul. So you can look at life from a different angle, you will open up new ideas and opportunities that you previously did not notice and ignored. - Virgo
Virgos can feel like an important part of the team. Partners, as well as people from the inner circle will support all your new ideas and initiatives, especially if they are related to training, new knowledge, small trips-movements and even changing cars. Some single Virgos may meet a person with whom they will have a slight flirtation. Growing into a serious relationship can prevent your prejudices and stereotypes. Therefore, first of all, try to evaluate a person by his deeds. So you can avoid not only deception, but also bias in the relationship. - Libra
The home of career, status, and life goals will have an impact on the changeable Libra during this period. It is possible to change jobs or move to higher-paying jobs, as well as changes in the schedule or mode of work. A change of status could mean retirement, a proposal of a hand and heart, or news of pregnancy. Either way, it will be a step forward! - Scorpio
Many Scorpios during this period will feel as if they were plunged into chaos. It will be difficult to plan anything, to get there on time. Agreements can break down for completely independent reasons. But the space will also help you, you will be able to see old, outdated habits and brought to automatism actions. - Sagittarius
Sagittarius during this period and then will receive profitable offers at work. You will also have the opportunity to show good results and prove yourself from the best side, which will notice the superiors, but not immediately. Be patient and do not slow down! As for the rest, in the field of love and relationships with others, problems may arise through no fault of your own. Thus, fate tests the strength of your surroundings. Sadness about someone leaving your life is not worth it. He may never have been your true friend. - Capricorn
The 7th house is the house of relationships, it can test the strength of your marriage. Remember that no eclipse can destroy a strong and harmonious union. A new person can enter the life of Capricorn, which will entail romance and good mood. If your job and your income haven’t suited you for a long time, it’s time to think about changing it. You don't have to run and quit right away, you can do it less abruptly. For example, first make a list of your skills, look at job ads, find out who is more in demand today, you can go through an interview. - Aquarius
Now is the time to take care of your health. It is good to undergo medical examinations, a course of massage or go to the sanatorium for wellness procedures. Remember that proper nutrition and good sleep can prevent and even cure many diseases. There may be some changes in your relationship with your loved one. Some will feel excessive coldness, others, on the contrary, will understand that it is time to slow down. Keep in mind that in such cases it is worth considering the opinion of two, not one. - Fish
If you are unmarried or unmarried, go on a vacation at sea. It is likely that there is a resort romance waiting for you, which can grow into something more. Want to lose weight and get your figure in shape? Start small - increase the load, do morning exercises, review your diet. Don’t sit still, if you spend a long time thinking about how to do something, you will miss the moment.
This eclipse symbolizes the beginning of a new cycle of life. During this period, the universe seems to push us forward, so that we would take new steps towards our dreams and goals. The events of these days can help you complete the old to make room for new opportunities.
It is also important to know that the decision made on the day of the eclipse is almost impossible to change. Therefore, we advise you, dear reader, not to make any important decisions during the period of July 2-3.
Dedicate this time to self-development, prayer, be calm and try to think positively. And then everything will turn out in the best way!
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