Selection of entertaining tasks with answers
When the whole family is at home, it is time to relax and relax in friendly company. You can, for example, conduct a small warm-up for the brain, solving with children amazing, funny and fun. quirky.
It is rare for anyone to answer immediately, so each problem is given with a solution. Do small hints from time to time, it will make solving more exciting and interesting.
Tasks for intelligence
We often hear that school is boring for modern children. Show these tasks to your student. Perhaps they will force him to look at the usual subjects from the school curriculum in a new way?

It is rare for anyone to answer immediately, so each problem is given with a solution. Do small hints from time to time, it will make solving more exciting and interesting.
Tasks for intelligence
- 543780
- Thanks to mathematical secrets and tricks from "Site" Your child will be able to love the queen of sciences, and multiply and divide in his mind will become easier!
- A good teacher once said, “If a child does not understand the simplest mathematical concepts, it does not mean that he is stupid.” We just haven't come up with a pretty clear explanation yet! And to come up with such an explanation is a very interesting problem, to solve which parents will help popular books on mathematics!
- Option 3.
- The boys have 12 candy left for two.
- You can see 10 digits in the picture.
- According to Archimedes’ law, an iceberg displaces a volume of water equivalent to its weight. At first, when a piece breaks off the iceberg, its weight will decrease. Accordingly, the volume of displaced water will decrease, the iceberg will rise slightly higher, and the water level will fall. When the ice melts, it will turn into water of the same volume, and the total water level will not change.
- In this task, the hands of the clock must be turned back every time: first for 1 hour 10 minutes, then for 1 hour 20 minutes, 1 hour 30 minutes. Therefore, in the last example, the arrows should be moved 1 hour and 40 minutes back. As a result, we will get a time of 5 hours 35 minutes.
- Here is the correct algorithm: 7 - 3 = 4; 7 + 3 = 10; 7 3 = 21. Receive 41021. Next: 8 – 3 = 5; 8 + 3 = 11; 8 x 3 = 24. We get 51124 and so on.
- Let us return to the law of Archimedes. Every body submerged in water loses as much weight as it has displaced. The volume of the stone is larger, so it will displace more water and become lighter weights. The scales will lean towards the weights.
- To divide the apples equally and leave one apple in the basket, someone will have to take the apple along with the basket.
- See the correct placement of signs in our photo. The exclamation point next to the number is called the factorial of this number. For example, n! is an n-factorial, equal to the product of all natural numbers from 1 to n (in our first example, 3!=1*2*3=6).
- The order of actions in arithmetic: brackets, multiplication / division (left to right), addition / subtraction (left to right). We get: 6:2(1+2)=6:2*(1+2)=6:2*3=3*3=9.
We often hear that school is boring for modern children. Show these tasks to your student. Perhaps they will force him to look at the usual subjects from the school curriculum in a new way?