The rules of a wise woman for a worthy meeting of old age
It seems like school just finished yesterday. In the morning, look for new wrinkles. And by evening you catch yourself thinking that it goes to the autumn of life: the leaves turn yellow, the days become shorter, the temperature decreases. There is no need to be upset about this. It is better to meet this time with a smile. A woman's wisdom And that’s because she knows how to do it.
Editorial "Site" We have a code called “So, my dear, when you are old.” Honestly, we try to avoid that word, always coming up with something different. Look at these rules that one of us shared with us. bloomer. Because she doesn't like that word either.
A woman's wisdom
Common sense suggests that wisdom Women are about acceptance. Deceiving yourself is the easiest, but this flight leads to nothing. We are just people lost in the universe and living for a moment. Now switch to our other material. We will tell you how gratitude affects your life. Keep staying with us!

Editorial "Site" We have a code called “So, my dear, when you are old.” Honestly, we try to avoid that word, always coming up with something different. Look at these rules that one of us shared with us. bloomer. Because she doesn't like that word either.

A woman's wisdom
- Never teach anyone, even if you know you will be right. It is better to remember how she reacted to various instructions and how often she followed them.
- Don’t try to help, especially if no one asks you to. Do not impose your care and try to protect loved ones from everything in the world. Love them, that's enough.
- Don't complain, and don't become a squabbling old lady at the entrance. In any case, do not say these phrases: “I am at your age ...”, “I gave you the best years ...”, “I am older, so I know better...” It's about old age.
- Do not expect gratitude from children either. It is better to remember this: there are no ungrateful children - there are parents who naively expect gratitude from their children. And don't insist that your grandkids call you by your first name, not your grandma. At least it's weird.
- Do not spend the last money on anti-aging treatments and everything related to it. It makes absolutely no sense. Buy a cruise and look at the world.
- The wisdom of a woman is not to look in the mirror Don't look at yourself and make too bright a makeup. You can flatter yourself and try to look youthful, but it is much better to look elegant. Exactly elegant.
- Take care of your man, even if he has turned from a mighty handsome man into a wrinkled, grumpy old man. He's the only one who remembers you young and full of strength. And this is the only person who really needs you right now.
- Don’t try to keep up with time at all costs, just do what you like. Do not panic to master new technologies, constantly learn something to fit the era, with a predilection to look at the news. Don’t be afraid to “get behind the times.”
- Whatever your life and the lives of your loved ones, do not blame yourself. You did absolutely everything you could. The subject can be closed.
- Preserve dignity in any situation until the end. It's important, so try, my dear. Remember, if you're alive, someone needs it.
Common sense suggests that wisdom Women are about acceptance. Deceiving yourself is the easiest, but this flight leads to nothing. We are just people lost in the universe and living for a moment. Now switch to our other material. We will tell you how gratitude affects your life. Keep staying with us!
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