Why do I collect old sponges for washing dishes and dare not throw them away?
The kitchen sponge is one of the dirtiest items in our kitchen. And until recently, as it should, after 10 days, I regularly sent her to the bin. Until I saw my friends use sponges.
It made me question other people. And it turned out that for experienced types of foam assistants, there are many useful and sometimes very unexpected applications. We will introduce some of them to our readers today.
Like its younger sister - a floristic sponge - the kitchen sponge has the ability to absorb and, if necessary, give up large volumes of water. This is not slow to take advantage of resourceful flower growers.
Cut out a circle of slightly smaller diameter than the bottom of the pot. Put it in the pot with a soft side up and sprinkle it with soil. Now, with abundant watering, the water will not drain into the saucer, but will be absorbed by a sponge. When the soil dries, the sponge will gradually return the stored moisture.
The same life hack can be useful to owners of greenhouses. If the weather is hot, and it is not possible to water the plants regularly, you will again be helped by a storey sponge.
Carefully moisten old sponges with water and put under the roots of cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers. Moisture from the sponges will gradually wet the soil and will not allow the plants to dry.
The material for germination of seeds Earlier we advised to germinate seeds on cotton discs. But the sponge will cope with this task even better. Make a few incisions in a wet sponge and place seeds there. Cover on top with another wet sponge.
Then pour the water into a transparent plastic box of cooking and close the lid. It remains to wrap the entire structure with plastic film and leave near the heating battery. After a week or two, the seeds will grow.
Just place the sponge inside a small glass jar. It will remain to moisten it with a liquid to remove varnish and a universal set for nail cleansing is ready! After use, the can can be closed with a lid and used again when needed.
From the old sponge, you can cut gaskets that will play the role of an anti-vandal material. By gluing them to the bottom of a vase or furniture legs, you will protect the lacquered floor or plastic windowsill from irritating scratches.
Even a shabby sponge can be useful for cleaning shoes. Of course, a melamine sponge would be perfect for this task. But you need to specially buy it, and old kitchen sponges are always at hand, and they are not sorry.
In order to clean your sneakers after a walk from sticky villi, plant seeds and dust, you need to moisten the sponge a little and hold it with the soft side on the thing. The hard side is suitable for washing soles and more persistent contaminants.

It made me question other people. And it turned out that for experienced types of foam assistants, there are many useful and sometimes very unexpected applications. We will introduce some of them to our readers today.
Like its younger sister - a floristic sponge - the kitchen sponge has the ability to absorb and, if necessary, give up large volumes of water. This is not slow to take advantage of resourceful flower growers.

Cut out a circle of slightly smaller diameter than the bottom of the pot. Put it in the pot with a soft side up and sprinkle it with soil. Now, with abundant watering, the water will not drain into the saucer, but will be absorbed by a sponge. When the soil dries, the sponge will gradually return the stored moisture.
The same life hack can be useful to owners of greenhouses. If the weather is hot, and it is not possible to water the plants regularly, you will again be helped by a storey sponge.

Carefully moisten old sponges with water and put under the roots of cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers. Moisture from the sponges will gradually wet the soil and will not allow the plants to dry.
The material for germination of seeds Earlier we advised to germinate seeds on cotton discs. But the sponge will cope with this task even better. Make a few incisions in a wet sponge and place seeds there. Cover on top with another wet sponge.

Then pour the water into a transparent plastic box of cooking and close the lid. It remains to wrap the entire structure with plastic film and leave near the heating battery. After a week or two, the seeds will grow.
Just place the sponge inside a small glass jar. It will remain to moisten it with a liquid to remove varnish and a universal set for nail cleansing is ready! After use, the can can be closed with a lid and used again when needed.

From the old sponge, you can cut gaskets that will play the role of an anti-vandal material. By gluing them to the bottom of a vase or furniture legs, you will protect the lacquered floor or plastic windowsill from irritating scratches.

Even a shabby sponge can be useful for cleaning shoes. Of course, a melamine sponge would be perfect for this task. But you need to specially buy it, and old kitchen sponges are always at hand, and they are not sorry.

In order to clean your sneakers after a walk from sticky villi, plant seeds and dust, you need to moisten the sponge a little and hold it with the soft side on the thing. The hard side is suitable for washing soles and more persistent contaminants.
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