Treachery and deceit among birds

Another confirmation of the fact that there is no justice in the world. Even among birds live better than one who is stronger and bolder. A young reddish Egret calmly caught fish in the Gulf of Mexico in Sarasota, Florida. Suddenly a bird flew over a large specimen and chased the young bird with fishing spots. To remove this interesting moment could 39-year-old photographer Peter Brennan (Peter Brannon).

Eighty seven million eight hundred forty five thousand five hundred forty

Eighty million four hundred twenty two thousand two hundred eighty eight

Eighteen million four hundred two thousand one

Seventy one million five hundred thousand two hundred thirty five

Thirty eight million eight hundred sixty two thousand nine hundred eighty three

Thirteen million nine hundred sixty nine thousand two hundred forty two

Eleven million six hundred four thousand one hundred thirty three

Ninety eight million forty four thousand nine hundred eighty two