Luxury brand Balenciaga has released bag cost 120 000 rubles, and it looks exactly like a bag from IKEA for 99 rubles!
Twenty four million seven hundred seventy one thousand eight hundred thirty four
What girl wouldn't dream of an expensive branded bag? But not everyone can afford to spend a huge amount on this accessory.
The website shows the reader that you don't have to spend big money to look stylish and fashionable!
Balenciaga not long ago presented its new fashionable bag. It's blue, big, and more than 120 thousand rubles!
Photo source: Boredpanda.somedistance problem: she looks exactly like the Frakta bag from IKEA. Only the cost of this bag only fifty rubles!
Find two differences: handbag and Balenciaga bag from IKEA
The representatives of IKEA, and notably made fun of this similarity. Now in the directory Frakta presented as "trendy blue handbag for true fashionistas"
They even created a few posters designed to help buyers distinguish your bag Frakta from "expensive fake Balenciaga"
"If your bag rustles, it is not fake. If you will be able to accommodate in her hockey helmet, bricks and a bottle of water, your bag Frakta — not fake. It should repel dirt and water and cost 99 cents!" — reads the inscription on the poster from IKEA
The best use of the bags from the runway. Timeless classic, created for different situations, suitable to any outfit and can withstand weight up to 25 kg!
via factroom.ru
What girl wouldn't dream of an expensive branded bag? But not everyone can afford to spend a huge amount on this accessory.
The website shows the reader that you don't have to spend big money to look stylish and fashionable!
Balenciaga not long ago presented its new fashionable bag. It's blue, big, and more than 120 thousand rubles!

Photo source: Boredpanda.somedistance problem: she looks exactly like the Frakta bag from IKEA. Only the cost of this bag only fifty rubles!

Find two differences: handbag and Balenciaga bag from IKEA

The representatives of IKEA, and notably made fun of this similarity. Now in the directory Frakta presented as "trendy blue handbag for true fashionistas"

They even created a few posters designed to help buyers distinguish your bag Frakta from "expensive fake Balenciaga"

"If your bag rustles, it is not fake. If you will be able to accommodate in her hockey helmet, bricks and a bottle of water, your bag Frakta — not fake. It should repel dirt and water and cost 99 cents!" — reads the inscription on the poster from IKEA

The best use of the bags from the runway. Timeless classic, created for different situations, suitable to any outfit and can withstand weight up to 25 kg!

via factroom.ru