Kinesiology: the main secret of health and youth
Today, kinesiology is an accepted science based on the study of the presence or absence of muscle responses to various stimuli.Positive irritant increases muscle tone, negative - leads to a significant weakening of the muscle. The body can tell the difference between what sustains life and what destroys it.
The body of each person has its own unique features - health, features of biological functioning, nutrition, hygiene and various habits.
Man is an electrical system, equipped with a generator (electrical plus) that produces electrons, a current conductor that transfers electrons from one place to another, and a consumer of electricity (electrical minus) that absorbs electrons.
If all the electricity generated by the corresponding tissues during the day is taken as 100%, then:
Biopulses from the senses through the nerve fibers enter the brain, transmit information to the cerebral cortex, and then in the form of ballast electricity currents penetrate to the surface of the skin, and thus the skin becomes an electro-absorber of biocurrents, and the internal organs of the human body are consumers of bioelectric energy.
Thus, from the point of view of the laws of physics, the presence of energy meridians on the surface of the skin is explained, along which invisible flows of energy are continuously circulating, devoured by 12 pairs of meridians, median, wonderful meridians, seas and energy lakes.
All this is uniquely combined in the body of each of us. And the main thing for maintaining health and youth is that all these traits are in balance.
We now know how fragile this balance can be.
Misprescribed medication can upset the delicate balance. The result will be diseases, ailments, fatigue, early aging.
Ancient scientists who studied the human body said: “A healthy body will not allow disease”.
Kinesiology is a synthesis of knowledge of the West and the East.
The basic postulates of health used in kinesiology are taken from Chinese medicine.
For many centuries in a row, Chinese medicine has been exploring various ways of healing and prolonging life. They are based on the general principle - to normalize the biological functions of the human body, improve the cells of the body and activate cell metabolism, stimulate the production of sex hormones, blood circulation, the main and auxiliary channels of the body, regulate the functioning of internal organs, increase resistance to diseases, normalize the general metabolism and thus prolong their youth and restore the strength of the body.
More than three millennia ago, treatment and meditation systems were developed in India and China to boost people’s vitality for disease prevention and treatment.
Depletion or lack of energy is manifested in symptoms:
With the help of methods used in kinesiology, it is possible to eliminate the excess or lack of energy and bring it into balance in various meridians and their corresponding organs. Thanks to this, health is strengthened, well-being improves and old age is postponed.
Meridians are channels through which the life energy of Qi flows. The places where you can feel this flow of energy are called acupuncture points.
Traditional Chinese medicine views the meridians as a network connecting the internal and external: the internal organs and surface of the body, tissues and spirit, yin and yang, earth and sky.
Western doctors compare the Chinese meridian system of the human body with the meridian system of the Earth.
The meridian system consists of acupressure vessels located throughout the body.
With the help of modern technological methods, the meridians were electronically, thermally, and radioactively measured, and a map was drawn up.
Good functioning of meridians ensures the full circulation of Qi energy in the body and, therefore, sufficient nutrition and safety of all organs and the consistency of their work.
Changes in the activity of the meridians may indicate future changes in the physical state, which will occur in a few hours, days and sometimes even weeks.
In kinesiology, specific muscle testing is used. Specific muscle testing is a scientifically based manual method of determining the tone of muscles that have connections with certain meridians, internal organs, vertebrae and other structures.
Muscles proved to be the most reactive structure, which always reacts by weakening and hypotension to an imbalance in any part of the system. They, as is known from classical neurology, are associated with a certain segment of the spinal cord, and through it with other segments and suprasegmental formations.
In kinesiology, relationships were established between certain muscles and individual vertebrae, with internal organs and glands, areas of neurovascular, neurolymphatic, foot and carpal reflexes, acupuncture meridians, deficiency or excess of various chemicals, etc.
In the work of the kinesiologist uses muscle-testIt receives feedback about the energy systems in the human body, such as the circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems, as well as the subtle energy system of the meridians.
Through muscle testing, the precise “feedback” that the body provides, the kinesiologist detects imbalances in energy and muscle.
If a satisfactory muscle tone is determined during testing, it means that it itself and the meridian associated with it, the internal organ and the vertebral-motor segment, function normally, if the muscle tone is reduced, then somewhere in this connection there is a problem.
How does the test take place?
Each organ is connected to nerves coming out of certain areas of the spinal cord and brain. Other nerves from these areas go to different muscles. Each organ corresponds to certain muscles (have a common connection). In response to irritation of any receptors (taste, thermo-, pain, electromagnetic...), the nervous system reacts with the same change in muscle response.
If the muscle is in normal tone (strong) - everything is fine, and if hypotension (muscle is weak) - it means an imbalance, a malfunction in the system.
This is how you can easily diagnose all body systems, and most importantly, everyone can learn this!
It is also possible to diagnose not only body systems, but also to balance to a specific goal, such as an exam, interview, job interview, or other event that causes a person to become imbalanced, even if it has already occurred.
Correction methods used in kinesiology are very mild and have no side effects, as they are aimed at eliminating violations in the system of self-development and self-healing of the body, activating the body's own strength.
Balance your body’s energy for health, joy and resilience!
Equilibrium, like homeostasis, is the leading concept in biology. All systems strive for energy balance, internal stability, and harmony with other energies.
At the same time, every effort and every interaction with the environment disturbs this equilibrium. You always strive for balance and always disturb it in the process of life and development.
When one of your energy systems is in a state of chronic imbalance or when a number of systems are out of harmony with each other, your body functions are also disrupted. Your energy body is always striving to restore balance with the energies available to it.
Because of the modern way of life, our body is much more difficult than at any time in history to maintain the energy balance necessary for normal life. Among the adverse phenomena are numerous extremely subtle psychological stresses, on the one hand, and polluted air, processed food and artificial electromagnetic energy on the other.
Also interesting: 16 simple rules of Chinese medicine for maintaining health
You can do a lot on your own to improve your health. Ultimately, you are responsible for your health, and the more you know and do for yourself, the more success you will achieve. published
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: www.kineziology.ru/viewpage.php?page_id=24
The body of each person has its own unique features - health, features of biological functioning, nutrition, hygiene and various habits.

Man is an electrical system, equipped with a generator (electrical plus) that produces electrons, a current conductor that transfers electrons from one place to another, and a consumer of electricity (electrical minus) that absorbs electrons.
If all the electricity generated by the corresponding tissues during the day is taken as 100%, then:
- 50 percent of that comes from the heart.
- 40% is the brain.
- 10% - reticular membrane, inner ear, skin, olfactory, taste buds.
Biopulses from the senses through the nerve fibers enter the brain, transmit information to the cerebral cortex, and then in the form of ballast electricity currents penetrate to the surface of the skin, and thus the skin becomes an electro-absorber of biocurrents, and the internal organs of the human body are consumers of bioelectric energy.
Thus, from the point of view of the laws of physics, the presence of energy meridians on the surface of the skin is explained, along which invisible flows of energy are continuously circulating, devoured by 12 pairs of meridians, median, wonderful meridians, seas and energy lakes.
All this is uniquely combined in the body of each of us. And the main thing for maintaining health and youth is that all these traits are in balance.
We now know how fragile this balance can be.
Misprescribed medication can upset the delicate balance. The result will be diseases, ailments, fatigue, early aging.
Ancient scientists who studied the human body said: “A healthy body will not allow disease”.
Kinesiology is a synthesis of knowledge of the West and the East.
The basic postulates of health used in kinesiology are taken from Chinese medicine.
For many centuries in a row, Chinese medicine has been exploring various ways of healing and prolonging life. They are based on the general principle - to normalize the biological functions of the human body, improve the cells of the body and activate cell metabolism, stimulate the production of sex hormones, blood circulation, the main and auxiliary channels of the body, regulate the functioning of internal organs, increase resistance to diseases, normalize the general metabolism and thus prolong their youth and restore the strength of the body.
More than three millennia ago, treatment and meditation systems were developed in India and China to boost people’s vitality for disease prevention and treatment.
Depletion or lack of energy is manifested in symptoms:
- chill
- chronic pain,
- Edema,
- inflammation,
- sharp pain,
- Fever.
With the help of methods used in kinesiology, it is possible to eliminate the excess or lack of energy and bring it into balance in various meridians and their corresponding organs. Thanks to this, health is strengthened, well-being improves and old age is postponed.
Meridians are channels through which the life energy of Qi flows. The places where you can feel this flow of energy are called acupuncture points.

Traditional Chinese medicine views the meridians as a network connecting the internal and external: the internal organs and surface of the body, tissues and spirit, yin and yang, earth and sky.
Western doctors compare the Chinese meridian system of the human body with the meridian system of the Earth.
The meridian system consists of acupressure vessels located throughout the body.
With the help of modern technological methods, the meridians were electronically, thermally, and radioactively measured, and a map was drawn up.
Good functioning of meridians ensures the full circulation of Qi energy in the body and, therefore, sufficient nutrition and safety of all organs and the consistency of their work.
Changes in the activity of the meridians may indicate future changes in the physical state, which will occur in a few hours, days and sometimes even weeks.
In kinesiology, specific muscle testing is used. Specific muscle testing is a scientifically based manual method of determining the tone of muscles that have connections with certain meridians, internal organs, vertebrae and other structures.
Muscles proved to be the most reactive structure, which always reacts by weakening and hypotension to an imbalance in any part of the system. They, as is known from classical neurology, are associated with a certain segment of the spinal cord, and through it with other segments and suprasegmental formations.
In kinesiology, relationships were established between certain muscles and individual vertebrae, with internal organs and glands, areas of neurovascular, neurolymphatic, foot and carpal reflexes, acupuncture meridians, deficiency or excess of various chemicals, etc.
In the work of the kinesiologist uses muscle-testIt receives feedback about the energy systems in the human body, such as the circulatory, lymphatic and nervous systems, as well as the subtle energy system of the meridians.
Through muscle testing, the precise “feedback” that the body provides, the kinesiologist detects imbalances in energy and muscle.
If a satisfactory muscle tone is determined during testing, it means that it itself and the meridian associated with it, the internal organ and the vertebral-motor segment, function normally, if the muscle tone is reduced, then somewhere in this connection there is a problem.

How does the test take place?
Each organ is connected to nerves coming out of certain areas of the spinal cord and brain. Other nerves from these areas go to different muscles. Each organ corresponds to certain muscles (have a common connection). In response to irritation of any receptors (taste, thermo-, pain, electromagnetic...), the nervous system reacts with the same change in muscle response.
If the muscle is in normal tone (strong) - everything is fine, and if hypotension (muscle is weak) - it means an imbalance, a malfunction in the system.
This is how you can easily diagnose all body systems, and most importantly, everyone can learn this!
It is also possible to diagnose not only body systems, but also to balance to a specific goal, such as an exam, interview, job interview, or other event that causes a person to become imbalanced, even if it has already occurred.
Correction methods used in kinesiology are very mild and have no side effects, as they are aimed at eliminating violations in the system of self-development and self-healing of the body, activating the body's own strength.
Balance your body’s energy for health, joy and resilience!
Equilibrium, like homeostasis, is the leading concept in biology. All systems strive for energy balance, internal stability, and harmony with other energies.
At the same time, every effort and every interaction with the environment disturbs this equilibrium. You always strive for balance and always disturb it in the process of life and development.
When one of your energy systems is in a state of chronic imbalance or when a number of systems are out of harmony with each other, your body functions are also disrupted. Your energy body is always striving to restore balance with the energies available to it.
Because of the modern way of life, our body is much more difficult than at any time in history to maintain the energy balance necessary for normal life. Among the adverse phenomena are numerous extremely subtle psychological stresses, on the one hand, and polluted air, processed food and artificial electromagnetic energy on the other.
Also interesting: 16 simple rules of Chinese medicine for maintaining health
You can do a lot on your own to improve your health. Ultimately, you are responsible for your health, and the more you know and do for yourself, the more success you will achieve. published
P.S. And remember, just changing our consumption – together we change the world!
Source: www.kineziology.ru/viewpage.php?page_id=24
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When you make peace with the idea that everyone lives just for itself.