Sundead is such a harmful tanning bed!
Thirteen million two hundred eighty one thousand seven hundred ninety four
Beauty requires sacrifice! Sometimes even critical. Take the Solarium. These devices, of course, give people a sexy tan, but carry detrimental health effects. Here the negative influences of artificial sunbathing and dedicated work of Podkaminskaya Luciano (Luciano Podcaminsky) called Sundead.
But the sun is not only beauty, but harm. For example, the sun is very harmful to the skin, which it quickly ages and loses the ability for normal regeneration. But the work Sundead from Argentinean artist Luciano of Podkaminskaya tells not so much about this, as the impact of direct sunlight on the development of cancer.
The fact that love for the sun baths can lead to the development of melanoma – a malignant tumor on the skin. While tanning in a Solarium is even significantly increases the risk to get cancer.
Here, in order to illustrate this threat, Luciano Podcaminsky and created a work Sundead, which is a coffin styled like a tanning booth.
Source: /users/78
Beauty requires sacrifice! Sometimes even critical. Take the Solarium. These devices, of course, give people a sexy tan, but carry detrimental health effects. Here the negative influences of artificial sunbathing and dedicated work of Podkaminskaya Luciano (Luciano Podcaminsky) called Sundead.

But the sun is not only beauty, but harm. For example, the sun is very harmful to the skin, which it quickly ages and loses the ability for normal regeneration. But the work Sundead from Argentinean artist Luciano of Podkaminskaya tells not so much about this, as the impact of direct sunlight on the development of cancer.
The fact that love for the sun baths can lead to the development of melanoma – a malignant tumor on the skin. While tanning in a Solarium is even significantly increases the risk to get cancer.
Here, in order to illustrate this threat, Luciano Podcaminsky and created a work Sundead, which is a coffin styled like a tanning booth.

Source: /users/78