Named a list of cities that are not worth a visit
1. China. Tyanzhin.
This city is the industrial center of China for the production of such a metal as lead. This place is considered the most polluted place in the country. In soil and air lead concentration exceeds norm almost in 10 times. But the concentration of lead in the various crops that grow in this area, the rate exceeds 24 times.

2. Zambia. Kabwe.
In Kabwe were discovered large quantities of cadmium and lead. This discovery opened in the early XX century. Eventually, the city built the largest plants for processing of these metals. At the moment in the air, the level of contamination of these metals exceeds the permissible norm by 4 times. The population of this territory, in excess of 250 thousand people, of course, infected. They suffer acute blood poisoning, which leads to stomach upset, muscle atrophy, frequent vomiting and different diseases of the kidneys.
3. China. The Linfen.
But this city is the heart of the Chinese coal industry. The normal levels of various harmful particles and sulphur dioxide have been exceeded many times. People who live in the city – and there are approximately 200 thousand suffer such devastating diseases as lung cancer, pneumonia and bronchitis.
4. Ukraine. Chernobyl.
A huge number of people suffer from the effects of radiation. More than 5.5 million residents. This tragedy occurred in 1986, April 26. At the Chernobyl nuclear power plant were tested. After the explosion, when the temperature of melting the reactor core. This disaster has brought on much more damage and radiation than the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

5. Russia. Norilsk.
This city is the most polluted place in the entire territory of Russia. In Norilsk was built the largest in the world factories, which processed heavy metals such as zinc, copper, Nickel and lead. Infected people who live on the territory of Norilsk suffer from various respiratory diseases. Their number about 134 thousand people. Foreigners are banned entry to the city since 2001.
6. Russia. Dzerzhinsk.
In this town buried in 1930 – 1998 years, about 200 thousand tons of various chemical wastes. Among them are dangerous as neurotoxins. These state that the level of water pollution exceeds admissible norm in 17 million times. This territory is home to about 300 thousand citizens. People live on average 45 years.
7. Peru. La Oroya.
On the territory of La Oroya are American factories, thanks to which mined minerals such as zinc, copper, and lead. In this meta there is a large amount of precipitation such as acid rain. The population is 35 thousand people, of which 95% suffer from diseases that are caused by high blood levels of lead.
8. India. Wapi.
Due to the fact that in the city of VAPI, located more than 1,000 different companies, in the waters of the mercury level exceeds admissible norm in 100 times. The air is also contaminated with heavy metals. People suffering from chronic diseases, there are about 70 thousand.
9. India. Sukinda.
In this city are the world's largest mines for the extraction of chromium. Sadly, a large part of all waste is dumped in rivers and lakes. In the city lives of 2.5 million people. 90% of them are susceptible to oncological diseases.

10. Azerbaijan. Sumgait.
This area is the center of the entire chemical industry in the former Soviet space. At the moment on the territory Suhmata lived about 275 thousand people. They are infected with petroleum waste, various chemicals and heavy metals. The worse is to children: they are born with bone disease, various mental disorders, as well as genetic.
Source: mif-facts.com.ua