5 criteria for determining genius

Do you consider yourself unique, even brilliant personality? In some ways we all differ from each other, including their mental ability. And it is not even whether we are the owners of unconventional thinking, which are written global bestsellers, the new displays physical laws and mathematical formulas.
People define intelligence and genius in different ways. Most often the level of intelligence measured by an IQ test, capable as it is considered to give the most objective assessment.
However, there is the theory of multiple intelligence, which refers to the presence of several different types of intelligence (e.g., musical, visual-spatial, bodily-kinetic, etc.) that standard tests cannot be measured. In addition, it is impossible not to take into account the fact that wisdom is usually acquired with experience.
For many people, the genius appears to be a peculiar property of the individual, which is bad to see the good, and in everyday life – beauty. Someone will say that genius helps to keep calm and prudence, making correct decisions even in seemingly hopeless situations.
Below are 5 qualities that any of us can find signs of genius personality:
1.The presence of several potential opportunities (multipotentiality) This means that man has a certain amount of exceptional skills, each of which can contribute to a brilliant career. For example, in school you excelled in math, drawing, Sciences and Humanities and, in addition, was also an outstanding athlete. Thus, you can choose which way to go in the future and in what areas to develop to fully realize his genius.
2.High sensitivity and sensitivity You are much deeper and more thoroughly process all the information coming from the outside. You pay attention to details – the intonation, facial expressions and emphasize even small discrepancies. You are very perceptive and have good intuition, and notice what others do not even give value. However, such abilities have a flip side to the coin: people think you are too emotional and self-centered. They do not understand that these properties contribute to achieve exceptional self-awareness and self-protection.
3.Boundless curiosity You just need to know everything about everything. Immense thirst for knowledge, the presence of diverse Hobbies you never stop to be aware of all cases. Your interests are constantly changing, you eagerly look for in books answers to all your questions. Of course, curiosity is fine, but at the same time, this means that you will always be a need for nourishment. But if not, then you will always have to hurt the feeling of dissatisfaction.
4.The makeovers You always show high demands to themselves and others. This is your genius. When something bothers you, you thoroughly and meticulously will pay attention to every little detail. For you is simply unacceptable imperfect result.
However, perfectionism often leads to avoidance and procrastination. If the perfectionist can not achieve ideal result, it ceases to do anything. But if such person has a consciousness, she always knows how to make perfectionism work for themselves.
5.Entelecheia Is the word is the direct embodiment of genius and inner power, embodying the purpose and end result. This approach promotes personal development and focusing on the ultimate goal in any work.
You choose not the easiest path in life. You will enjoy a totally dysfunctional relationship, any kind of stagnation and bringing the fruits of the work. The desire to shake a situation may cause inconvenience to the people around you. But those who have the entelecheia, there is simply no other choice.
Source: /users/117