Unusual hairy snail
Not every day you see a snail with such a warlike appearance. Sink hairy tiara (lat. Thiara cancellata), a small mollusk that lives off the coast of the Philippines, dotted with long, sharp-looking spikes.
However, this impression is deceptive – a supposedly formidable weapon in reality is flexible and not prickly needles, not representing any danger to others.
Hairy snails grow to 2.5-3 cm in length. Their creamy, brownish or yellow shell round shape twisted in a spiral, each of which is separated by a narrow dark striated with calcareous deposits.
Tiaras are more active at night, most of which they spend eating algae. His favorite food hairy snail scraped from the surface of rocks and plants, often damaging the roots.
Source: zoopicture.ru

However, this impression is deceptive – a supposedly formidable weapon in reality is flexible and not prickly needles, not representing any danger to others.

Hairy snails grow to 2.5-3 cm in length. Their creamy, brownish or yellow shell round shape twisted in a spiral, each of which is separated by a narrow dark striated with calcareous deposits.

Tiaras are more active at night, most of which they spend eating algae. His favorite food hairy snail scraped from the surface of rocks and plants, often damaging the roots.
Source: zoopicture.ru
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