Unpopular in Austria may lead to environmental disaster
The Australian Parliament went on about the mining industry. A bill that provides for the abolition of the tax on CO2 emissions for enterprises from the sphere of mining industry
Against the abolition of the tax voted by the labour party and the green party. The labour leader bill shorten directly accused the Prime Minister of Australia Tony Abbott that it "leads the country towards environmental and economic disaster", reports ITAR-TASS.
The Abbott government, meanwhile, argues that the goal of CO2 reduction will be performed through the project for introduction of clean technologies in production.
Recall, this tax was introduced 2012 and amounted to 24.14 Australian dollar per 1 ton of carbon dioxide. But this measure proved unpopular not only among large businesses but also the local population, dissatisfied with rising prices for electricity.
Meanwhile, new research the National oceanic and atmospheric (USA) show that the decline in precipitation over southern Australia, observed since the 1970s, was the result of carbon dioxide emissions and the depletion of the ozone layer. This means that the labour charges are not groundless.
Source: greenevolution.ru

Against the abolition of the tax voted by the labour party and the green party. The labour leader bill shorten directly accused the Prime Minister of Australia Tony Abbott that it "leads the country towards environmental and economic disaster", reports ITAR-TASS.
The Abbott government, meanwhile, argues that the goal of CO2 reduction will be performed through the project for introduction of clean technologies in production.
Recall, this tax was introduced 2012 and amounted to 24.14 Australian dollar per 1 ton of carbon dioxide. But this measure proved unpopular not only among large businesses but also the local population, dissatisfied with rising prices for electricity.
Meanwhile, new research the National oceanic and atmospheric (USA) show that the decline in precipitation over southern Australia, observed since the 1970s, was the result of carbon dioxide emissions and the depletion of the ozone layer. This means that the labour charges are not groundless.
Source: greenevolution.ru