Natural remedies for teeth whitening

Your smile was pearly, not necessarily spend money on expensive treatments for teeth whitening. Plaque can be easily removed by using natural remedies that you can find at your house. Don't underestimate the value of healthy teeth — bright smile always makes a good impression on others. In addition, you will make teeth a few shades whiter using these tips, you will take care of oral health.
1. Milk
Mysteriously dry milk wonderfully whitens teeth, both independently and in combination with toothpaste. Calcium, contained in milk, strengthens the gums and teeth.
2. Strawberries
Strawberry juice whitens teeth and freshens breath. Waiting for the season of these delicious berries!
3. Olive oil
Olive, coconut or sesame oil also effectively cleans the teeth and the mucous membranes of the mouth. Hold some oil in your mouth and massage the teeth with the tongue.
4. Soda and lemon juice
A mixture of baking soda and lemon juice polishes the surface of the teeth, making it considerably cleaner after the first use.
5. Licorice
Licorice is the consistency of chewing gum. Chewing licorice, you not only clean teeth, but also prevent the occurrence of periodontal disease.
6. Nettle, sage, mint
Decoctions of these herbs to whiten the teeth are not worse pharmacy infusions. Rinse your mouth with herbs, and no problems with teeth will not!
These tools will help you not to worry about how your smile looks. Leave unattractive yellow teeth in the past, using these simple methods to cleanse the teeth.
Be sure to tell your friends about how to achieve a brilliant smile at home.published
Source: takprosto.cc/otbelivanie-zubov-naturalnymi-sredstvami/