Scientists: pollution kills 3 million people annually
Because of the dirty air in the world annually kills more than three million people. Scientists say that by 2050 this figure will double.
Pollutants (ozone and particulates), invisible to the naked eye, contribute to the development of diseases of the lungs, the heart, and cause other serious health problems in people worldwide, the researchers said.
About three quarters of the total number of premature deaths associated with exposure to air pollution, accounts for Asian countries. In China such pollution kills 1.4 million people a year in India – 650.
75 percent of deaths associated with dirty air, occur due to heart attacks and strokes. The remaining 25 percent are caused by respiratory diseases and lung cancer, said the study's lead author Jos Lelieveld (Jos Lelieveld) from the chemistry Institute of max Plank Society in Germany.
The study was published in the journal Nature.
According to experts, the fine particles generated by burning fossil fuels, organic matter, and other emissions sources, is very dangerous for health.
They are so small that they can penetrate deep into the lungs, into the alveoli and into the bloodstream. We breathe the tiny chemical particles can evade the immune system and penetrates deep into the body. Naturally they are not eliminated from the respiratory tract, said Professor George Thurston (George Thurston) from new York University, was not involved in the study.
The scientists combined model of atmospheric chemical composition data on global health status of the population. We studied the effects of contamination from different sources related to fuel use.
As it turned out, the largest contribution to premature mortality from air pollution contribute emissions associated with the burning of fuel for heating homes and cooking.
Knowledge of the main sources of air pollution will help to take measures to improve the health status of the population.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: hi-news.ru
Pollutants (ozone and particulates), invisible to the naked eye, contribute to the development of diseases of the lungs, the heart, and cause other serious health problems in people worldwide, the researchers said.
About three quarters of the total number of premature deaths associated with exposure to air pollution, accounts for Asian countries. In China such pollution kills 1.4 million people a year in India – 650.
75 percent of deaths associated with dirty air, occur due to heart attacks and strokes. The remaining 25 percent are caused by respiratory diseases and lung cancer, said the study's lead author Jos Lelieveld (Jos Lelieveld) from the chemistry Institute of max Plank Society in Germany.
The study was published in the journal Nature.
According to experts, the fine particles generated by burning fossil fuels, organic matter, and other emissions sources, is very dangerous for health.
They are so small that they can penetrate deep into the lungs, into the alveoli and into the bloodstream. We breathe the tiny chemical particles can evade the immune system and penetrates deep into the body. Naturally they are not eliminated from the respiratory tract, said Professor George Thurston (George Thurston) from new York University, was not involved in the study.
The scientists combined model of atmospheric chemical composition data on global health status of the population. We studied the effects of contamination from different sources related to fuel use.
As it turned out, the largest contribution to premature mortality from air pollution contribute emissions associated with the burning of fuel for heating homes and cooking.
Knowledge of the main sources of air pollution will help to take measures to improve the health status of the population.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: hi-news.ru