Find out how to make the soil more fertile without chemicals
Manure, for example, an expensive solution, and deliver it not everyone has the opportunity. "Chemistry" is a fear. But out there — a green manure. This green manure is not only convenient but also efficient: 3 kg of plant mass of green manure is equivalent to 1-1. 5 kg of manure.
Green manure is praised for a reason. Their rotted stems, leaves and roots are excellent food for worms and soil insects, which together with the micro-organisms form humus. And it is well known that the higher in the soil of its contents, so it is more fertile. In addition, the roots of green manure, penetrating deeply into the soil, improve its structure.
They loosen the soil, make it porous, the air, raise the nutrients and minerals from the deep sea to the surface layer. It is established that the roots of the lupine leaves to a depth of 2.5 m, 1.5 m alfalfa, clover, Vicky, mustard, and rapeseed – from 0.8 to 1.5 m.

What to choose?
In the middle lane on green manure were sown mainly in plants of three families:
— Legumes — clover, sweet clover, vetch, beans, peas, Lupin.
— Cereal rye, winter wheat, oats, ryegrass.
— Cruciferous, or cabbage — canola, mustard, oilseed radish, rape.
The decision to plant a vegetable garden for green manure, depends on what you need to achieve in the first place. The main thing is to grow a large organic mass of plants.
When and how?
Garden seed green manures can be in the summer as the release of the beds from under early maturing crops. From June to mid-September is the time for broad beans, lupine, oilseed radish, annual ryegrass, spring rape, mustard, phacelia. The ground under them just enough paraglide. Seeds are sown after good rain or heavy watering (it is needed for the first few months after sowing). In the dry season the green manure is better not to sow. Plants reached a height of 30-40 cm, are cut, crushed and buried in the soil.
Autumn (early September) sown winter crops — canola, wheat, and rye. At this time the soil is sufficiently moist and seedlings appear at 5-7 days. Until frost rye have the time to develop and hibernation under the snow. In the spring after gathering the rye can be fed ammonium nitrate (10-20 g per sq. m.), to increase the green mass, preventing its escalation.
In the spring in areas where you intend to place a warm-weather crops as soon as the snow melts and dries out the soil, you can sow the mustard white. She is not afraid of low temperatures and frost, rises and grows very quickly. In late may — early June it can be removed and filled with soil. By the time of transplanting vegetation will decompose.
The key crop
The effect of green manure depends on the age of the plant. Overgrown cover crops decompose more slowly, require additional application of nitrogen. These are best used as mulch or put in compost. Young plants are rich in nitrogen and decompose quickly. So the best time for sealing of green manure in the soil and the period of budding, before flowering. Then high yields you provided! published
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