How to make soil fertile — simple tips
Now for most people, fertile soil – it is a utopia. Purely consumer approach to growing plants is destroying the fertile layer of the soil. Most agronomists think that the fertile soil is the land of a certain chemical composition. Such a view is fundamentally wrong, and it leads to the destruction of the soil.
Everyone knows that the fertile layer of soil is relatively small, and is located on the earth's surface. If digging a two-meter pit, visible to the naked eye that the fertile soil at the bottom of it no, although if we assume that the fertility of the soil is determined by its chemical composition, then at this depth, on the contrary, it should be more fertile, because the plants here don't get.
As we all know that for the normal development of plants the soil in which they grow should be loose. Here we are AGRONOMISTS STARTED AGAIN the wrong way and said that you need to do it regularly to dig. Homeland is the ground, we first make it out of the ground, then sand, and finally, dust. And then breathe it all.
Another mistake, as we raise the plants. Different plants consume and produce different minerals. If on a bed of mixed grow different plants, then they work on each other and require little or no care for themselves. But if the whole bed is filled plants of the same species, they begin to fight among themselves for a place in the sun. As a result of the lack of micronutrients we get diseased plants. Trying to cure their chemistry, again on the advice of agronomists and enter into a VICIOUS CIRCLE.
So, we all go to beat agronomists because they give us false information? You can of course go, but problem is not solve. A more reasonable action – is helpful to understand what determines the fertility of the soil. It's worth it – if we can copy the behavior of Nature – because now she only makes the soil fertile, we no longer need to toil in the garden – there will be everything to grow by itself. Tempting? Go ahead.
FERTILE SOIL IS a LIVING ORGANISMand not just a set of chemical elements. The fact that it contains many trace elements is a side effect of her "revizni". In order to improve soil fertility is necessary to increase its "reviso", and in the living soil of specific nutrients comes. Do not believe? No mystery here, but there is only precise laws of Nature.
First, a fertile soil is not earth. The land is an integral part of it, but it's only a frame, which forms the topsoil.
First look at how to make the soil friable. It just need a few times planted in her annual plants with long roots. When their long roots wither away, there are courses by which the soil will be loose.
Now let's find out where to get the micronutrientsthat are needed by plants. Here, too, is no problem – you just need to leave the beds bare under the scorching rays of the sun. Partially pull the weeds, and partly to leave, and weed the weeds to throw here on the bed. Plus land plants mixed with each other, not separate beds.
That's all on the plants and weed the weeds will be shared between a trace elements.
Last problem – where to take water. You will probably be surprised, but here the problem, too. Only need to impose the germination of our plants pjatnadtsatisantimetrovaja a layer of straw, leaves or pine needles. This layer is called a MULCH.
Most people who use the mulch, I think she only retains moisture. It actually moisture also produces. The top and bottom of mulch, air temperature is different, due to this difference in the mulch dew drops, so necessary for plants.
The dew falls not only in the mulch, but in the moves that left the roots of old plants, i.e. annual plants with long roots have a double benefit.
Also interesting: Smart garden Zamyatkina: land doesn't know a shovel for 20 years
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That's the whole technique of soil fertility. As you can see, NOTHING COMPLICATED HERE. Fertile soil is so simple that this simplicity is very hard to believe, so we're still looking for the magic fertilizer that makes our soil fertile. But the truth is that this fertilizer is not and can not be. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/project_aoj?w=wall-53900174_16208
Everyone knows that the fertile layer of soil is relatively small, and is located on the earth's surface. If digging a two-meter pit, visible to the naked eye that the fertile soil at the bottom of it no, although if we assume that the fertility of the soil is determined by its chemical composition, then at this depth, on the contrary, it should be more fertile, because the plants here don't get.

As we all know that for the normal development of plants the soil in which they grow should be loose. Here we are AGRONOMISTS STARTED AGAIN the wrong way and said that you need to do it regularly to dig. Homeland is the ground, we first make it out of the ground, then sand, and finally, dust. And then breathe it all.
Another mistake, as we raise the plants. Different plants consume and produce different minerals. If on a bed of mixed grow different plants, then they work on each other and require little or no care for themselves. But if the whole bed is filled plants of the same species, they begin to fight among themselves for a place in the sun. As a result of the lack of micronutrients we get diseased plants. Trying to cure their chemistry, again on the advice of agronomists and enter into a VICIOUS CIRCLE.
So, we all go to beat agronomists because they give us false information? You can of course go, but problem is not solve. A more reasonable action – is helpful to understand what determines the fertility of the soil. It's worth it – if we can copy the behavior of Nature – because now she only makes the soil fertile, we no longer need to toil in the garden – there will be everything to grow by itself. Tempting? Go ahead.
FERTILE SOIL IS a LIVING ORGANISMand not just a set of chemical elements. The fact that it contains many trace elements is a side effect of her "revizni". In order to improve soil fertility is necessary to increase its "reviso", and in the living soil of specific nutrients comes. Do not believe? No mystery here, but there is only precise laws of Nature.
First, a fertile soil is not earth. The land is an integral part of it, but it's only a frame, which forms the topsoil.
First look at how to make the soil friable. It just need a few times planted in her annual plants with long roots. When their long roots wither away, there are courses by which the soil will be loose.
Now let's find out where to get the micronutrientsthat are needed by plants. Here, too, is no problem – you just need to leave the beds bare under the scorching rays of the sun. Partially pull the weeds, and partly to leave, and weed the weeds to throw here on the bed. Plus land plants mixed with each other, not separate beds.
That's all on the plants and weed the weeds will be shared between a trace elements.
Last problem – where to take water. You will probably be surprised, but here the problem, too. Only need to impose the germination of our plants pjatnadtsatisantimetrovaja a layer of straw, leaves or pine needles. This layer is called a MULCH.
Most people who use the mulch, I think she only retains moisture. It actually moisture also produces. The top and bottom of mulch, air temperature is different, due to this difference in the mulch dew drops, so necessary for plants.
The dew falls not only in the mulch, but in the moves that left the roots of old plants, i.e. annual plants with long roots have a double benefit.
Also interesting: Smart garden Zamyatkina: land doesn't know a shovel for 20 years
How to make a high garden: useful ideas for a great harvest
That's the whole technique of soil fertility. As you can see, NOTHING COMPLICATED HERE. Fertile soil is so simple that this simplicity is very hard to believe, so we're still looking for the magic fertilizer that makes our soil fertile. But the truth is that this fertilizer is not and can not be. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/project_aoj?w=wall-53900174_16208
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