The call of the universal scientist of the world: the "Impossible" electromagnetic rocket engine works!
During the past year has been much controversy regarding the electromagnetic inductor motor, known as the "EM Drive". It is unrealistic from a logical point of view of the device, which is still in the experimental stage, became a real challenge to General opinion of the academic world. The idea of creating the "EM Drive" so much excites minds, because this engine has great pull, thanks to which it is hypothetically able to deliver the person to Mars in 70 days, without any expensive rocket fuel. It moves through the microwave oscillating inside a sealed capsule back and forth, and this effect makes the engine as an unusually powerful and at the same time, so implausible.
Ion engine based on the "Hall effect"
The fact that this stunningly efficient source of driving force is contrary to one of their basic physical laws – law of conservation of momentum. This law States that in order that the subject received a forward momentum, a propellant must be discarded with the same momentum in the opposite direction. For this reason, when in the early 2000s, British scientist Roger Shower created a prototype of the "EM Drive", the idea of this engine was basically ridiculed and thrown out of the field of view of the scientific world.
However, a few years later a group of Chinese researchers decided to build their own version of the device and, to everyone's surprise, it actually worked. Then American inventor also did something similar, and convinced a member of the NASA study group "Eagleworks Laboratories" under the leadership of the famous Harold "Sonny" white, to conduct an experiment. NASA engineers eventually admitted that the engine really works. And finally, the famous Martin Tajmar, head of the German Institute for aerospace engineering at the Technical University in Dresden, who conducted experiments with their own electromagnetic motor, also got the confirmation that it is able to generate thrust, however, unexplained to date reasons.
Tajmar, presented its findings during the forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, held in Florida on July 27, 2015. He did extensive work on the experimental testing of a revolutionary electromagnetic engine, thus his conclusions are of great value as another independent confirmation of the health of the "EM Drive".
Most importantly, its system generated number of traction, in General corresponds to the predictions of Shower, which is several thousand times greater than the rate for missiles with photon drive.
What could be the consequences of the emergence in the Arsenal of the humanity of the engine? Of course, it's hard to resist speculation about how revolutionary it may be, this discovery for the planet Earth, however, is likely to wait for the publication of the results, which Soar intends reportedly to publish just a few months.
Thus, it may well be that the explanation of how this engine works, you will have to change some of the basic laws of physics. However, if this will open the door to mankind travel throughout the Solar system, and, more importantly, beyond it, such a sacrifice was fully justified and will be willingly borne. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: gearmix.ru/archives/25711
Ion engine based on the "Hall effect"
The fact that this stunningly efficient source of driving force is contrary to one of their basic physical laws – law of conservation of momentum. This law States that in order that the subject received a forward momentum, a propellant must be discarded with the same momentum in the opposite direction. For this reason, when in the early 2000s, British scientist Roger Shower created a prototype of the "EM Drive", the idea of this engine was basically ridiculed and thrown out of the field of view of the scientific world.
However, a few years later a group of Chinese researchers decided to build their own version of the device and, to everyone's surprise, it actually worked. Then American inventor also did something similar, and convinced a member of the NASA study group "Eagleworks Laboratories" under the leadership of the famous Harold "Sonny" white, to conduct an experiment. NASA engineers eventually admitted that the engine really works. And finally, the famous Martin Tajmar, head of the German Institute for aerospace engineering at the Technical University in Dresden, who conducted experiments with their own electromagnetic motor, also got the confirmation that it is able to generate thrust, however, unexplained to date reasons.
Tajmar, presented its findings during the forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, held in Florida on July 27, 2015. He did extensive work on the experimental testing of a revolutionary electromagnetic engine, thus his conclusions are of great value as another independent confirmation of the health of the "EM Drive".
Most importantly, its system generated number of traction, in General corresponds to the predictions of Shower, which is several thousand times greater than the rate for missiles with photon drive.
What could be the consequences of the emergence in the Arsenal of the humanity of the engine? Of course, it's hard to resist speculation about how revolutionary it may be, this discovery for the planet Earth, however, is likely to wait for the publication of the results, which Soar intends reportedly to publish just a few months.
Thus, it may well be that the explanation of how this engine works, you will have to change some of the basic laws of physics. However, if this will open the door to mankind travel throughout the Solar system, and, more importantly, beyond it, such a sacrifice was fully justified and will be willingly borne. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: gearmix.ru/archives/25711