The secrets of planting gladioli
Many of us gladiolus is strongly associated with the beginning of the school year: when we were first graders and went to school with a huge bunches of these elegant flowers, now September 1, accompanied children (and some are already grown up, and grandchildren). And now, in may plant gladiolus in the country, to a festive autumn day to give Chad a ceremonial bouquet. It is possible to buy, of course — but its something better!
Planting gladioli, like, any difficulties: put the corm in the ground and wait for flowers! So, but not quite. If we make a little more effort and take into account some of the secrets, the result may surprise.
Age corms
Contrary to popular among gardeners because of misconception, a large diameter of corms is not a guarantee of excellent flowering. Strong stems with lots of flowers formed from young healthy planting material. And on the age of corms specify two parameters: its height and size of the stems.
The older the corm, the more flat it gets, and the bigger it the bottom. And old plants makes no sense to expect a lush flowering. When purchasing planting material, note only that the size and shape can vary. When choosing, it is advisable to compare the corm with the other, but of the same species — a comparison between the varieties can lead to erroneous conclusions.
The choice of location for planting
Plant gladiolus in full sun, protected from the wind, and they will show themselves in all their glory. In the southern regions of permissible light partial shade: sheltered from the scorching sun, the gladioli will be longer show off in the flower bed. But we should not put them in the same place for several years — preferably annually, to change the place of landing.
Eliminate stagnant water, even for a short time, and in any case do not make for planting fresh organic. But the sand added to the bottom of the planting pit, able to protect the tubers from rot. Perfect loose sandy loam or loamy soil with a slightly acid reaction.
When to plant gladiolus
The planting dates can be found very conflicting advice, and our unstable climate all the time making adjustments. Therefore, it is safest to focus on the temperature of the soil: if the ground is at a depth of 10-12 cm warmed up to +8...+10 degrees, the time for planting has come.
Disease prevention and protection from pests
Good protection of the corms of gladiolus gives garlic. They even suggest to store, put in a box for planting the peeled garlic cloves. And before planting you can water the earth with infusion of garlic per 10 liters of water — 40-50 g of crushed garlic, to insist night, drain). You can make it easier to plant garlic among roses or in the immediate vicinity.
Good neighbors, able to protect from gladiolus rot and Fusarium, marigolds, nasturtium and calendula. The infusion of crushed dried flowers of marigold can withstand corms before planting (to take an infusion of 2.5 l of water and 250 g of dry plant material, insist three days, strain).
Traditional processing method — soak the planting material in a solution of potassium permanganate for 1-2 hours before planting. You can replace the permanganate with a solution of copper sulphate (5 g per 1 l hot water; make use of cooled). Some growers such processing is carried out before and after it for the night (5-6 hours) soak corms in the infusion of wood ash or solution of trace elements.
Depth and planting plans
Planting depth depends on the size of corms — the bigger it is, the deeper planting: 4-5 cm for large, up to 2-2. 5 cm for small. But many growers believe these figures to be insufficient, noting that deep planting gladiolus forms a strong peduncle, which does not require garters and supports. I even read about the experience of growing these flowers planting corms at a depth of 18-20 cm.
There is a way: in place of planting do not holes and deep ruts, the bottom of which lay the corms and sprinkle them with soil (layer thickness — both in traditional recommendations on landing: 2 to 5 cm). When sprouts appear, the ground spiked and continue to gradually add it until the furrow is completely equal with the soil.
If planting depth can vary (and here everyone is free to experiment in its sole discretion), the recommended distance between plants unchanged 15-20 cm up to 25 cm when we are talking about a full-grown varieties with very large flowers).
How to prolong flowering
To admire the flowering gladioli want as long as possible. To extend the time of their flowering, plant corms in several periods, with an interval of 10-12 days. It is useful to consider the differences in the timing of flowering: modern varieties and hybrids of gladiolus are divided into early, middle and late; some of them may start blooming in late June! published
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Mobile country house, designed for year-round living
Furniture — interesting news
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Source: www.7dach.ru/MarinaGerasimenko/gladiolus-sekrety-posadki-5331.html
Planting gladioli, like, any difficulties: put the corm in the ground and wait for flowers! So, but not quite. If we make a little more effort and take into account some of the secrets, the result may surprise.
Age corms
Contrary to popular among gardeners because of misconception, a large diameter of corms is not a guarantee of excellent flowering. Strong stems with lots of flowers formed from young healthy planting material. And on the age of corms specify two parameters: its height and size of the stems.
The older the corm, the more flat it gets, and the bigger it the bottom. And old plants makes no sense to expect a lush flowering. When purchasing planting material, note only that the size and shape can vary. When choosing, it is advisable to compare the corm with the other, but of the same species — a comparison between the varieties can lead to erroneous conclusions.
The choice of location for planting
Plant gladiolus in full sun, protected from the wind, and they will show themselves in all their glory. In the southern regions of permissible light partial shade: sheltered from the scorching sun, the gladioli will be longer show off in the flower bed. But we should not put them in the same place for several years — preferably annually, to change the place of landing.
Eliminate stagnant water, even for a short time, and in any case do not make for planting fresh organic. But the sand added to the bottom of the planting pit, able to protect the tubers from rot. Perfect loose sandy loam or loamy soil with a slightly acid reaction.
When to plant gladiolus
The planting dates can be found very conflicting advice, and our unstable climate all the time making adjustments. Therefore, it is safest to focus on the temperature of the soil: if the ground is at a depth of 10-12 cm warmed up to +8...+10 degrees, the time for planting has come.
Disease prevention and protection from pests
Good protection of the corms of gladiolus gives garlic. They even suggest to store, put in a box for planting the peeled garlic cloves. And before planting you can water the earth with infusion of garlic per 10 liters of water — 40-50 g of crushed garlic, to insist night, drain). You can make it easier to plant garlic among roses or in the immediate vicinity.
Good neighbors, able to protect from gladiolus rot and Fusarium, marigolds, nasturtium and calendula. The infusion of crushed dried flowers of marigold can withstand corms before planting (to take an infusion of 2.5 l of water and 250 g of dry plant material, insist three days, strain).
Traditional processing method — soak the planting material in a solution of potassium permanganate for 1-2 hours before planting. You can replace the permanganate with a solution of copper sulphate (5 g per 1 l hot water; make use of cooled). Some growers such processing is carried out before and after it for the night (5-6 hours) soak corms in the infusion of wood ash or solution of trace elements.
Depth and planting plans
Planting depth depends on the size of corms — the bigger it is, the deeper planting: 4-5 cm for large, up to 2-2. 5 cm for small. But many growers believe these figures to be insufficient, noting that deep planting gladiolus forms a strong peduncle, which does not require garters and supports. I even read about the experience of growing these flowers planting corms at a depth of 18-20 cm.
There is a way: in place of planting do not holes and deep ruts, the bottom of which lay the corms and sprinkle them with soil (layer thickness — both in traditional recommendations on landing: 2 to 5 cm). When sprouts appear, the ground spiked and continue to gradually add it until the furrow is completely equal with the soil.
If planting depth can vary (and here everyone is free to experiment in its sole discretion), the recommended distance between plants unchanged 15-20 cm up to 25 cm when we are talking about a full-grown varieties with very large flowers).
How to prolong flowering
To admire the flowering gladioli want as long as possible. To extend the time of their flowering, plant corms in several periods, with an interval of 10-12 days. It is useful to consider the differences in the timing of flowering: modern varieties and hybrids of gladiolus are divided into early, middle and late; some of them may start blooming in late June! published
See also:
Mobile country house, designed for year-round living
Furniture — interesting news
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: www.7dach.ru/MarinaGerasimenko/gladiolus-sekrety-posadki-5331.html