It will take 30 minutes to tie the bright strip of fabric. When you complete the job, all will be jealous!
This idea will appeal to all lovers of houseplants. Put it into practice, you will not only decorate your interior, but also freeing up precious space on a windowsill. We offer to your attention the Master Class for the manufacture of suspended pots.
Suspended kashpoTebe need otrez knitted fabric (you can take an old T-shirt) Scissors Roulette li > flowerpots metal hook
Progress Cut the fabric into 8 equal strips of a width of not less than 4 cm. The length of the strips will depend on the size of your pots. As you work, you can determine the length of itself.
Tie all the strips at the base in one big knot. Then, indent 5 cm and communicate by two strips of small nodules.
Stepping back even 5 cm from the nodules begin to connect the strips as shown in the picture.
Make another row of knots in the same way.
Then contact all the strips of fabric on top of one big knot.
Tell her friends, how to make hanging flower pots , they will also want to make such a useful thing. And do not forget to look for ideas and articles made from denim!

Suspended kashpoTebe need otrez knitted fabric (you can take an old T-shirt) Scissors Roulette li > flowerpots metal hook
Progress Cut the fabric into 8 equal strips of a width of not less than 4 cm. The length of the strips will depend on the size of your pots. As you work, you can determine the length of itself.

Tie all the strips at the base in one big knot. Then, indent 5 cm and communicate by two strips of small nodules.

Stepping back even 5 cm from the nodules begin to connect the strips as shown in the picture.

Make another row of knots in the same way.

Then contact all the strips of fabric on top of one big knot.

Tell her friends, how to make hanging flower pots , they will also want to make such a useful thing. And do not forget to look for ideas and articles made from denim!
She ordered only a glass of water and left a tip of 500 bucks! After learning the reason you moved
Always threw Cardboard trays for eggs. Faced with these 15 ideas, no longer!