17 images that will understand every girl

Women -. Beautiful and unpredictable beings capable of surprise not only to those who are near, but also themselves

Website is divided into 17 photos of girls the joys and troubles, who will never understand men

lattices and uneven sidewalks -. worst enemies of women

It's a great feeling of freedom at the end of the day

Went bowling

When she straightened hair, and on the street drizzling rain

Girls never confuse cups, each has its own "seal»

In its plans for the wind female laying

That's what a real nightmare

Buying thirtieth pair of shoes, we swear that they will precisely comfortable

Actually, it turns out that they are comfortable only sitting

Arrows always turn out different, even if you are holding a diploma of the artist or architect-builder

Thick hair - it's cool! But everywhere has its disadvantages

Sometimes you have to sleep in curlers. Or do not sleep because of the curlers

When forgotten that make up, and rubbed her eyes

Women - walking artwork

Men are hard to figure out what is different from the cream nyudovogo and powdery. Or "ivory" from the "coffee with milk"

and understand what we fill their huge bags ...

... and that fit into such

Photos on the preview: tumblr.com, leracherryy

See also:

12 illustrations that will understand every woman

20 comic books about how hard to be a girl

via www.adme.ru/svoboda-psihologiya/20-komiksov-o-tom-kak-trudno-byt-devochkoj-916860/


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