13 Paradoxes of nature that defies the imagination
When nature refuses to follow the laws of geography textbooks, miracles are born.
< 1. The place where the lava meets the ocean, Big Island, Hawaii
On the east coast of Hawaii there are two elements: the hot lava of Kilauea volcano flows into the ocean to cool off there forever
2.. "Stepped" Lake Park Jiuzhaigou, China
Delightful travertine landscape in the north of Sichuan Province - the result of years of crystallization of calcite. Scientifically sound boring, so poetic Chinese consider layered cascades with turquoise lakes dragon's skin, which he dropped when flying over land.
< 3. Blooming Desert Anza-Borrego, California, United States
Most of the time the Anza-Borrego, as any respectable desert, is a lifeless space. But in early March, after the rainy winter, it is covered with a floral carpet and see which attracts half of America. By the way, the spring then the usual cooler: +32 ° C, dry and windy
4.. Burning Rock Yanardag Azerbaijan
Natural gas fuel is supplied from a thin layer of porous sandstone - it was he who serves as fuel for flaming rocks Yanardag. The flame does not go out in any weather, in rain changes color, and effectively all night looks. No wonder that here attracts curious tourists, fire worshipers and meditating Buddhists.
< 5. "Underwater ate" Kaindy lake, Kazakhstan
Earlier in Alatau gorge Kungei was green forest, but after the earthquake in 1910 here gushing water and flooded trees. Now they grow directly from the lake Kaindy. See the "underwater ate" attracts divers: where else can you dive in the forest
6?. Crawling stones, Death Valley, the United States
On Dry Lake Reystrek Playa in Death Valley can be seen long trails for stones slowly move across the surface of the clay. Researchers have long puzzled over how they crawl and perevorchivayutsya without the participation of living beings. At first, we found that the stones move every two or three years, and should be retained for another four years. And in 2014 the riddle finally revealed in full: on the surface of the lake in frosty nights produce large, but thin ice areas. They carry away the wind and subglacial for - them's the "go" stones travelers
7.. Ocean stars Vaadhu Island, Maldives
In fact, the waves off the coast of Vaadhu glow of the bioluminescent plankton. But on the site longer believe in the fact that the stars fell into the ocean.
< 8. Ghost Trees, Pakistan
Trees appeared, cocoons in Pakistan after the 2010 floods. The water level did not decrease so long that spiders had to settle down where higher: they braided web of trunks and branches, turning the familiar scenery in the creation of surrealists
9.. Pillars of weathering Manpupuner, Komi, Russia
200 million years ago, this place was very tall mountain. Bad weather century after century, destroying the weak rock, but solid sericite schist-quartzite, in Darwin's law survived and survived. Now on the mountain towering seven pillars quaint Man-Pupu-nёr ( "small mountain of idols"): Mansi people had long seen them
10 figures of people and animals and worshiped statues.. Travelling Sable Island, the Atlantic Ocean
Canadian island in the form of a crescent differ inconstancy origin: he landed at the intersection of the warm Gulf Stream and the cold Labrador Current, which is why moves at 200 m / year rate. On Sable constantly live only five people - the staff of the meteorological station. The neighbors have only gray seal-tevyaki yes feral horses.
< 11.Poyuschy dune, Kazakhstan
In dry weather in the national park Altyn-Emel heard organ music - concerts gives the famous Singing Dune. The reason for the phenomenon of friction of grains of sand: the more sand in the "orchestra", the expressive sound. Sometimes it's a faint hissing sound, and sometimes - a real roar. In ancient times believed that the mysterious sounds are emitted asleep in the sand devil.
< 12. Edge "flying" goats, Morocco
Goats, "growing" on the trees - a common sight in Morocco. In fact, no goats are not magic - just very hungry: in arid climates on earth a little juicy grass, and animals conquer argan trees to eat the green leaves. The hooves have adapted to mountain goats climbing the steep slopes, so the green tree, not a challenge for them.
< 13. Lake Hillier, Australia
In the world there are many lakes in pink: pink Retba in Senegal because of the special cyanobacteria Nakuru in Kenya - because of flamingos, Torrevieja in Spain - because of the salt. And that is why the Australian Lake Hillier such an incredible color, scientists still do not know. Therefore connoisseurs from all over the world not only admire them, but also excitedly put forward their own versions.
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< 1. The place where the lava meets the ocean, Big Island, Hawaii

On the east coast of Hawaii there are two elements: the hot lava of Kilauea volcano flows into the ocean to cool off there forever
2.. "Stepped" Lake Park Jiuzhaigou, China

Delightful travertine landscape in the north of Sichuan Province - the result of years of crystallization of calcite. Scientifically sound boring, so poetic Chinese consider layered cascades with turquoise lakes dragon's skin, which he dropped when flying over land.
< 3. Blooming Desert Anza-Borrego, California, United States

Most of the time the Anza-Borrego, as any respectable desert, is a lifeless space. But in early March, after the rainy winter, it is covered with a floral carpet and see which attracts half of America. By the way, the spring then the usual cooler: +32 ° C, dry and windy
4.. Burning Rock Yanardag Azerbaijan

Natural gas fuel is supplied from a thin layer of porous sandstone - it was he who serves as fuel for flaming rocks Yanardag. The flame does not go out in any weather, in rain changes color, and effectively all night looks. No wonder that here attracts curious tourists, fire worshipers and meditating Buddhists.
< 5. "Underwater ate" Kaindy lake, Kazakhstan

Earlier in Alatau gorge Kungei was green forest, but after the earthquake in 1910 here gushing water and flooded trees. Now they grow directly from the lake Kaindy. See the "underwater ate" attracts divers: where else can you dive in the forest
6?. Crawling stones, Death Valley, the United States

On Dry Lake Reystrek Playa in Death Valley can be seen long trails for stones slowly move across the surface of the clay. Researchers have long puzzled over how they crawl and perevorchivayutsya without the participation of living beings. At first, we found that the stones move every two or three years, and should be retained for another four years. And in 2014 the riddle finally revealed in full: on the surface of the lake in frosty nights produce large, but thin ice areas. They carry away the wind and subglacial for - them's the "go" stones travelers
7.. Ocean stars Vaadhu Island, Maldives

In fact, the waves off the coast of Vaadhu glow of the bioluminescent plankton. But on the site longer believe in the fact that the stars fell into the ocean.
< 8. Ghost Trees, Pakistan

Trees appeared, cocoons in Pakistan after the 2010 floods. The water level did not decrease so long that spiders had to settle down where higher: they braided web of trunks and branches, turning the familiar scenery in the creation of surrealists
9.. Pillars of weathering Manpupuner, Komi, Russia

200 million years ago, this place was very tall mountain. Bad weather century after century, destroying the weak rock, but solid sericite schist-quartzite, in Darwin's law survived and survived. Now on the mountain towering seven pillars quaint Man-Pupu-nёr ( "small mountain of idols"): Mansi people had long seen them
10 figures of people and animals and worshiped statues.. Travelling Sable Island, the Atlantic Ocean

Canadian island in the form of a crescent differ inconstancy origin: he landed at the intersection of the warm Gulf Stream and the cold Labrador Current, which is why moves at 200 m / year rate. On Sable constantly live only five people - the staff of the meteorological station. The neighbors have only gray seal-tevyaki yes feral horses.
< 11.Poyuschy dune, Kazakhstan

In dry weather in the national park Altyn-Emel heard organ music - concerts gives the famous Singing Dune. The reason for the phenomenon of friction of grains of sand: the more sand in the "orchestra", the expressive sound. Sometimes it's a faint hissing sound, and sometimes - a real roar. In ancient times believed that the mysterious sounds are emitted asleep in the sand devil.
< 12. Edge "flying" goats, Morocco

Goats, "growing" on the trees - a common sight in Morocco. In fact, no goats are not magic - just very hungry: in arid climates on earth a little juicy grass, and animals conquer argan trees to eat the green leaves. The hooves have adapted to mountain goats climbing the steep slopes, so the green tree, not a challenge for them.
< 13. Lake Hillier, Australia

In the world there are many lakes in pink: pink Retba in Senegal because of the special cyanobacteria Nakuru in Kenya - because of flamingos, Torrevieja in Spain - because of the salt. And that is why the Australian Lake Hillier such an incredible color, scientists still do not know. Therefore connoisseurs from all over the world not only admire them, but also excitedly put forward their own versions.
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