Tourists on the beach Delphine Hatchling killed in the pursuit of Selfi
A picture may be worth a thousand words - but it cost the lives of
. On the part of the tourists crowding around him last week baby dolphin species Franciscan was killed on the beach in Argentina as a result of careless handling. Animal with another dolphin out of the water, so that people can be photographed with him.
Photos from the scene show one of the dolphins surrounded by crowds of beach goers, unprotected from the sun.
"Dolphins can not remain long on the land," - commented on the situation on the Protection of the Environment Specialist Wildlife Fund in Argentina. "They have a very thick skin to the fat envelope, so that they retain heat, so on land they quickly become dehydrated and die».
Organization has confirmed that at least one of the dolphins died.
The situation is aggravated by the fact that the Franciscan is a rare species and dolphins of this species can be found only in the waters of South America. They have no more than 30 thousand individuals.
When delfinchik died interest in him waned. Who wants to be photographed with the corpse?
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. On the part of the tourists crowding around him last week baby dolphin species Franciscan was killed on the beach in Argentina as a result of careless handling. Animal with another dolphin out of the water, so that people can be photographed with him.
Photos from the scene show one of the dolphins surrounded by crowds of beach goers, unprotected from the sun.

"Dolphins can not remain long on the land," - commented on the situation on the Protection of the Environment Specialist Wildlife Fund in Argentina. "They have a very thick skin to the fat envelope, so that they retain heat, so on land they quickly become dehydrated and die».
Organization has confirmed that at least one of the dolphins died.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the Franciscan is a rare species and dolphins of this species can be found only in the waters of South America. They have no more than 30 thousand individuals.

When delfinchik died interest in him waned. Who wants to be photographed with the corpse?

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