Official: Planet Earth With Double dwell among Detected!

Another "twin" planet discovered in the spring of 2014, however, claim it in full strength, scientists are in no hurry. After opening, excited the minds of scientists, a real sensation. With the help of a flying station Kepler discovered the first planet that has a size close to the size of the globe. This planet also rotates in the habitable zone of its star, and it's really an exceptional case, because the first of these analogues of Earth scientists not vstrechalos.

The peculiarity of this planet is that the area around it may contain a planetary mass in which the atmospheric pressure is present, capable of storing water in a fluid-like state on the surface.
There is still no reliable data on the density and composition of the planet, but if they are similar to the characteristics of the earth, the calculated weight should be 1, 44 of the earth the same mass. The distance from Earth to the exoplanet still 492 light years.
In the photo below the two planets are compared.

Kepler-186F slightly larger than Earth. The planet turns around its star similar to our Sun, for 129, 9 days, however, and the fluorescence intensity of the latter is equal to only 4% of the sun.
According to some reports, the planets similar to the Earth, there are already 40 billion, rotating only in our Galaxy. But this planet, having a size almost identical to Earth, is a proof that, in addition to the Earth, there are other planets with habitable zone.
Expected in Kepler-186F, as they called the planet, too, there is life in your own system. But the statement is checked.
Elisa Quintana, scientific SETI officer search for extraterrestrial intelligence at the Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, said: "Despite the fact that we know only one planet with habitable zone - a land - we are looking beyond the solar system, especially we are interested in the world with characteristics similar to earth. But this discovery - an important step forward for researchers »

Thomas Barclay, a research fellow at the Research Institute of Environmental Conservation environment of the Ames, emphasizes: "Yes, we have found the habitable zone of the planet, but that is not to say that we know the planet is inhabited or not. The temperature on the surface of Kepler and connected with its atmosphere. However, Kepler-186F can be seen as similar to the Earth planet, but to take her twin Earth is not necessary. »
: You-journal.ru
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