20 lessons of social psychology, which will be useful to everyone
A man spends most of his life among other people and is part of a variety of groups: family, work team, friends and associates. His behavior changes dramatically depending on situatsii.Sotsialnye psychologists study the behavior and motives of people in different groups and identify interesting patterns, which the site dedicated this collection.
1. For us it is important to interact with people h3> Psychologists in the US found 20% of people who received Christmas cards from strangers, too, sent their congratulations. For the same reason the waiters get a bigger tip if talk about recipes or give advice.
2. Man tends to appreciate what he owns directly h3> Studies have shown that willingness to sell less than the urge to buy. Participants experiment persuaded to buy a glass for $ 5, but received his subjects refused to sell the cup for less than $ 10.
3. Because of the heat we get angrier, but because of the sadness mёrznem h3> When you're dissatisfied with something, it seems that the room cold and hot dishes rather want, not cold. The crime rate is higher in tropical regions, and more crimes are committed in the warm days. This is because heat excites the nervous system, and people mistakenly attribute it to any life situation.
4. A smile is contagious and can say a lot about you h3> In the cinema, people would laugh more if the people around him laugh. More Location: Bowling, one strike knocked out, and began to smile, only turning to the friends. This smile for social approval, not the joy that has done something successfully.
5. Waiting influence on decision-making h3> In one study, psychologists phoned participants and asked them if they would like to become a volunteer hypothetically American Cancer Society. When these same people phoned a few days later and asked the same question, 31% of respondents said yes, although for the first time agreed to only 4%.
6. We act differently when reminded about themselves h3> Before the distribution of the test subjects were told that men and women gain different amounts of points. After this performance the participants fell sharply. And the results of the men down after talking to an attractive woman. And the situation is different: when the kids go to a Halloween Party, they take a lot of sweets; but if the child goes out alone and besides, he asked the name, it will take a lot less sweet.
7. Monitoring by the sometimes helps, but not during meals h3> If watching you during the simple task - the results will increase, and if during a difficult task or associated with obtaining a new skill, the results will be reduced. By the way, this feature is not unique to humans, but also cockroaches (!). The proximity of the room to the other has another effect: if the room is working repairman (even in the corner), people start to work more slowly. In addition, people and animals eat more if you eat in someone's presence.
8. An effective way to make a person do something - to compare it with your friends h3> In an electric company tried to persuade people to take care of electricity at home. To do this, we released posters with the words "Your neighbors have reduced the consumption of electricity." As a result, household energy use decreased by 2%. Calls for "energy savings - saving money" and "conserve energy to save the environment" not only helped to reduce the use of electricity, but in some cases, on the contrary, led to an increase in consumption.
9. The context of the action affects the action itself h3> The voting 56% of the participants who voted in the school were for an increase in the school budget, while in other places this figure was 53%. Although this effect may not seem so important, it is statistically significant. This experience was repeated in the laboratory (64% of the people who showed photos of the school, voted for the budget increase).
10. The more you do something you learn, the more you like it h3> This feature is called "recognition effect", and its occurrence is enough of a second. It is widely used in advertising. The more often you will see an ad or ads, the more highly appreciated by the company. Vivid pictures that trigger positive and negative emotions are just a few milliseconds, change your opinion about anything at the subconscious level.
11. Smooth lines vs the corners h3> People tend to prefer rounded visual objects than the objects with sharpened edges.
12. See that you do not happen when there are a lot of people h3> Witnesses are less likely to prevent crime or help in an emergency, if there are other observers, because they think that will help someone else and they will be able to avoid responsibility . If the victim is bleeding, people help even less, simply because they are afraid of the mere sight of blood. But the victim, shouting that receive more aid than the one that is silent: a clear and unequivocal message about the dangers accept more people.
13. We all want to be happy, but too much happiness a negative impact on the work h3> In a survey of more than 10 thousand people in 48 countries, it was found that happiness is more valuable than other personal prospects - find the meaning of life, to become rich or to get Paradise. Happy people are more likely to call themselves curious and depressive able to notice even slight changes in facial expression interlocutor. But still very happy people (9 out of 10 or 10 out of 10 points on a scale measuring happiness - there is such) poor studied and receive a small salary, compared with a moderately happy people (6, 7, 8 out of 10 on the scale).
14. We are doing silly things to adjust h3> In the study, the participants went to the group and asked to answer the seemingly simple question. Advance group was instructed to speak clearly wrong answer. As a result, 37 of the 50 subjects were given the wrong answer, repeating it after the majority (even though he was obviously wrong), just because they wanted to please the members of the group and I think that most better informed than they are. This effect is blunted, if the group has at least one person who agrees with the subject.
15. It is difficult to separate the appearance of the character h3> A positive or negative response to a person ("he is a nice guy") affect our judgment about his appearance ("it is attractive"). This phenomenon is called the "halo effect." It is very noticeable on the example of celebrities: their attractiveness and glory lead us to believe that they are smart, happy or good.
16. Not all types of awards affect us the same way h3> Waiting awards reduces motivation. And the unexpected award, on the contrary, it increases. The fixed premium is less effective than the premium, the amount of which varies depending on the quality of work.
17. Owning power can greatly influence our emotions and behavior h3> The ctenfordskom prison experiment, volunteers were divided into two groups - the "prisoners" and "guards" - and placed in a kind of prison. Six days later, the experiment was finished (although it was planned to carry out two weeks). Participants got used to their roles, "guards" slighted and abused "prisoners", many "prisoners" there was a strong emotional disorder.
18. Power makes us docile and can get to do something we could not imagine h3> The famous Milgram experiment, participants were asked to give a discharge current with increasing force, if the subject in the next room gave incorrect answers to questions. The role of the victim performed Assistant experimenter. User first filed the weak level, but in the second part of the experiment he was asked to click on "Danger: strong current," ignoring the request of the victim to stop the experiment. As a result, 63% of the test button is pressed with the maximum discharge, which, if it were not staged, could be fatal for the other person.
19. Self-control at an early age may indicate success in adult life h3> Another famous experiment - "marmalade test." The child is left in the room and on the table in front of him lay mermaids or cookies. And warned: it can eat marmalade (or cookies) now, and then the experiment is considered ended. But if he will wait for the return of the experimenter, will receive a reward two mermaids.
20. People like round numbers h3> The list consists of 20 items instead of 19 for the same reason that many try to run a training session is not 1, 9 km and 2 km. Addiction to a certain number of deeply embedded in human nature.