Panorama sickle Pluto
Here's a gorgeous picture of Pluto was receding yesterday опубликован Online NASA.
By clicking opens a full-size image. Apparatus New Horizons took this picture 15 minutes after closest approach to Pluto on July 14 from a distance of 18 thousand kilometers. The width of the panorama - 1250 kilometers. The backlit seen amazing layered structure of the atmosphere.
Color version User Forum unmannedspaceflight.com with Nick Ian R добавил this color picture , using available tool data MVIC. I, frankly, do not really like the result - Pluto left some cold. I twirled a little color levels to your taste to the palette was like a pleasant, warm shades of the popular снимка "Heart» .
Pluto shows an amazing variety of types of surface - ice cliffs up to three and a half kilometers, the frozen flow of nitrogen and smooth plains. The sparse, but extremely extended Pluto's atmosphere, one can count more than a dozen layers of haze. The width of the landscape in this photograph - 380 kilometers.
In this frame width of 185 kilometers, we see the fog near-surface cut by the long shadows of mountains and hills:
On Earth, you can see a similar picture flying over the morning forest.
Apparently there on Pluto local analogue terrestrial "water cycle." Only instead of water there is nitrogen. Nitrogen ice flows from the mountainous area in the right part of the image across the valley width from 3 to 8 kilometers with a red arrow. Blue arrows indicate the edge of the ice flow rasteksheysya the plain on the left side of the photo.
The same area also got a snapshot sickle at oblique sunlight. If this fragment is stretched so that the prospect coincided with the previous image, the contrast is increased and you can see more details of the icy streams.
Very similar to terrestrial glaciers.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/262680/
By clicking opens a full-size image. Apparatus New Horizons took this picture 15 minutes after closest approach to Pluto on July 14 from a distance of 18 thousand kilometers. The width of the panorama - 1250 kilometers. The backlit seen amazing layered structure of the atmosphere.
Color version User Forum unmannedspaceflight.com with Nick Ian R добавил this color picture , using available tool data MVIC. I, frankly, do not really like the result - Pluto left some cold. I twirled a little color levels to your taste to the palette was like a pleasant, warm shades of the popular снимка "Heart» .
Pluto shows an amazing variety of types of surface - ice cliffs up to three and a half kilometers, the frozen flow of nitrogen and smooth plains. The sparse, but extremely extended Pluto's atmosphere, one can count more than a dozen layers of haze. The width of the landscape in this photograph - 380 kilometers.

In this frame width of 185 kilometers, we see the fog near-surface cut by the long shadows of mountains and hills:

On Earth, you can see a similar picture flying over the morning forest.

Apparently there on Pluto local analogue terrestrial "water cycle." Only instead of water there is nitrogen. Nitrogen ice flows from the mountainous area in the right part of the image across the valley width from 3 to 8 kilometers with a red arrow. Blue arrows indicate the edge of the ice flow rasteksheysya the plain on the left side of the photo.

The same area also got a snapshot sickle at oblique sunlight. If this fragment is stretched so that the prospect coincided with the previous image, the contrast is increased and you can see more details of the icy streams.

Very similar to terrestrial glaciers.

Source: geektimes.ru/post/262680/
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