15 fantastic cities built on the rocks
Challenging nature, people tamed the wilderness and were able to build the city, which is impressive for its beauty. They look like the illustrations for fairy tales are fascinating and seem completely unrealistic. The only question that arises is: which one to visit first?
Website offers not to postpone travel to these picturesque places in the closet.
Riomaggiore Italiya
Veliko Tarnovo, Bolgariya
Santorini Gretsiya
Azenash do Mar, Portugaliya
Rocamadour, Frantsiya
Ronda, Ispaniya
Wadi Dawan, Yemen
Piodan, Portugaliya
Pitigliano Italiya
Meteora, Gretsiya
Mont Saint-Michel, Frantsiya
Castellfollit de la Roca, Ispaniya
La Paz, Boliviya
Manarola, Italiya
via: boredpanda
via www.boredpanda.com/cities-on-cliffs/
Website offers not to postpone travel to these picturesque places in the closet.
Riomaggiore Italiya
Veliko Tarnovo, Bolgariya
Santorini Gretsiya
Azenash do Mar, Portugaliya
Rocamadour, Frantsiya
Ronda, Ispaniya
Wadi Dawan, Yemen
Piodan, Portugaliya
Pitigliano Italiya
Meteora, Gretsiya
Mont Saint-Michel, Frantsiya
Castellfollit de la Roca, Ispaniya
La Paz, Boliviya
Manarola, Italiya
via: boredpanda
via www.boredpanda.com/cities-on-cliffs/