OMG, LOL and IMHO you can find the Oxford English Dictionary

Popular internet acronym for OMG! (Oh My God - Oh my god!) Endorsed Okfordskim English Dictionary (Oxford English Dictionary).
In addition, an updated online version of the dictionary included the expression LOL (laughing out loud - LOL), IMHO (in my humble opinion - in my humble opinion) and BFF (best friends forever - forever best friends).
According to the dictionary, despite the fact that the abbreviations associated with modern language virtual communication, some of them were quite long. For example, the first mention of OMG noted in 1917.
An updated version of the Oxford dictionary was presented on Thursday, and in addition to the above acronyms includes the expression «flat white», which represents coffee with milk, and «muffin top», that is, serving over skirts and trousers with a low waist of the fat.
Source: www.gazeta.ru
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