The largest tomb in the world - is the burial of the Japanese Emperor Nintoku

The largest (by area) burying a man is, oddly enough, in Japan, where every square meter of land at a premium. This tomb lived in the 4th century BC. e. Emperor Nintoku. Grave complex is located in Sakai, near Osaka. Its total area - 46 hectares. The tomb itself - a mound height of 33 meters in the shape of a keyhole, surrounded by water on all sides.

Mounds, as the name given to a period of Japanese history, appeared in the country in the 3rd century BC. e. They testify to the resettlement of people to the islands from the mainland - like burial found in China and Korea. The most interesting burial mounds, of course, from the imperial tombs, but that they - almost unknown. If the ancient royal tombs, such as in Egypt and Mesopotamia have long been curious dug up by European scientists in Japan they are considered private burials, although very ancient. Neither his nor foreign archaeologists were not allowed there.

Source: www.dirty.ru
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