The biggest crib of the found: 10, 6 m in length and 25,000 poll options

Shkolnik, Kazakhstan clearly can claim the world record he had prepared the crib to the mandatory exams in mathematics, Russian and Kazakh languages, history and subject of choice has a length of 10 meters! Sheet with printing 25,000 possible answers was wrapped around his body several times.
Schoolboy "detected" when it began as something suspicious to tinker in his clothes. I wonder how he was going to find the right version of the 25000? Plenipotentiary representative of the Ministry of Education said the act of the young rascal like this: "Even if he put half the effort to learn the right things, he probably would have passed the exam with honors. Too bad his works, but he has committed a violation and will be expelled from school ».
via factroom.ru
From 1% to 3% of the weight of your body - the weight of a living microbes have, fungi and other microorganisms
Mirror Hicks - a car mirror, which solves the problem of "dead zones"