10 interesting facts about the movie "John. Edgar "
We offer you a collection of facts about the biographical drama "J.. Edgar ", dedicated to the difficult fate of a man half a century led the US Federal Bureau of Investigation.
1. In fact, George. Edgar - a J. Edgar Hoover, the most famous and ambitious head of the FBI in the history of the bureau. Hoover took the helm of the Bureau of Investigation in 1929 and held that post almost half a century, until his death in 1972, the year. He achieved considerable success, but was convicted of numerous abuses of power. The film tells about the life and fate of this odious person.
2. Leonardo DiCaprio, the leading man, the film changes over more than 80 costumes, reflecting the fashion different decades of the 20th century.
3. Judi Dench, who plays the mother of the protagonist, a broken finger on the set of the previous film, but hid this fact from the film's producers not to lose the role. She had to play their role through the pain from the injury.
4. When life Hoover was rumored that he was a repressed homosexual, since spent most of his life in close collaboration and close friendship with his companion Clyde Tolson.
5. In order to fulfill the role of Hoover DiCaprio had to apply a lot of make-up and lay a fake "fat" under the clothes. In one scene, he leans over, you can see this "fat tissue." Also, make-up included a plaster mask on the entire face, different pads, wigs, gray hair and prosthetic nose.
6. great-grandfather Armie Hammer, the actor who played the role of Tolson, was a tycoon who owned corporation Occidental Petroleum. In the book entitled "Dossier: The Secret History of Armand Hammer," the author Edward Jay Epstein blamed this oligarch in secret communications with J. Edgar Hoover and the USSR. The actor said that he agreed to the role specifically to "take revenge on the critics».
7. Josh Lucas enthusiastically accepted the role of the famous aviator Charles Lindbergh. The actor did it in honor of his grandmother, who was also known lёtchitsey and one of the first female commercial pilots in the country.
8. The original version of the film's title was simply "Hoover", rather than "John. Edgar ».
9. copies of the film were distributed by American cinemas under the false name of Lawman («lawyer»).
10. J. Hoover was so influential figure that many independent researchers assassination of the Kennedy brothers, he appears as one of the customers of crime.
drama "John. Edgar, "you can watch online cinema Viaplay at any time and in excellent quality. The service works not only on computers but also iPad and iPhone, so the collection of new films, you can always carry with them!
via factroom.ru