Birds flying wedge to use the swirling air currents
Most species of migratory birds flock flying in a wedge shape. First led wedge flies the most experienced and strong bird - leader of the pack. When he makes a swing-wing, behind the formation of eddies and the updrafts of air, and flying him birds can take advantage of this opening and closing force. Thus, each bird saves up to 25% of the energy in the flight, and the total capacity of the entire flock of flight increases by 70%.
The weakest, the sick and inexperienced birds always fly at the end. Most of the load during the flight goes to the leader, but when he gets tired, then departs at the end of the wedge, and its place is taken by a bird flying directly behind him. So the birds are interchanged throughout the flight, and everyone gets a chance to rest. If a bird accidentally leaves the overall structure, then immediately feel the additional burden and would be forced to go back into the mainstream.
The familiar cry that publishes bird flock - in fact, the sound stimulatory signal from flying in late birds because they support the leaders and asked them to keep up the speed. If for some reason one of the birds can not fly on, with her leaving a flock of two birds reconnaissance aircraft flying at her side, and on the ground trying to help her until she either did not recover or dies then or fly on their own or are nailed to the next pack.
The main guideline for the birds is the Earth's magnetic field, so that flights over the ocean do not represent for them any difficulty. The fact that the bird's eye cryptochrome contain protein, under the influence of light and magnetic field of the planet changing its shape. Bird Brain detects signals, and the bird is guided by him.
via factroom.ru
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