Astronomers have confirmed the gradual extinction of the universe

Astronomers studying the emission of more than 200,000 galaxies in the range from ultraviolet to infrared, found that modern galaxies emit two times less energy than those that existed two billion years ago. This observation is one of the confirmations of the generally accepted theory of the gradual cooling of the universe. The report was made on August 10 the 29th Conference of the International Astronomical Union in Hawaii.
"Just new galaxies emit less energy than before, - поясняет astronomer Mehmet Alpaslan from Ames Research Center (NASA offices). - At some point, all matter will disintegrate - and now we are seeing a gradual shutdown of light ».
These data were obtained in the framework of the project "Monitoring of galaxies and massive clusters» (The Galaxy And Mass Assembly survey, GAMA ). Recently, this project has helped astronomers to find out what is the result of a collision of galaxies .
The project was carried out by working together seven observatories. It lasted for 7 years, and, among other characteristics of galaxies, astronomers measured the distance from us to them, and their power of radiation at several wavelengths. As a result, astronomers get a detailed map of the radiation and the distribution of galaxies on this indicator.
Falling radiated power coincides with the modern hypothesis expanding with an acceleration of the universe. The reason for the expansion is called dark energy - the concept is of unknown origin. The consequences of such an expansion is very sad.
If the accelerating expansion will continue, the result beyond our galaxy superclusters of galaxies, sooner or later will come through the event horizon and become invisible to us because of their relative velocity exceeds the speed of light. Earth, the solar system, our galaxy, and our supercluster will be visible to each other and, in principle, be achieved by space travel, while the rest of the universe for us to disappear.
Starting from a certain moment, the force of the expanding universe, first to exceed the gravitational forces that hold the galaxies in the cluster. Behind them will break galaxies and star clusters. The last decay is most closely associated star systems. After some time, the electromagnetic force can not deter the collapse of the planets and smaller objects. World again would exist as individual atoms. The next step will disintegrate and the individual atoms. This scenario scientists call «Большой gap ».
"Although most of the energy traveling through the universe, appeared shortly after the Big Bang, the extra energy is constantly appears in the stars, which convert it into matter, - tells Simon Driver , head of the team of researchers in the project GAMA. - This energy is absorbed by the dust of the galaxy, or running away from it and flies until it will face with anything - with another star, a planet, or, more rarely, with a mirror telescope. The universe will continue to recede and grow old. Simply put, she sat down on the couch, covered with a blanket and going to sleep the eternal sleep. "
Source: geektimes.ru/post/260094/