Devilish boulders
These huge boulders, called Devil's stones Carl Carlo, located a hundred kilometers south of Tennant Creek in the Northern Australia.
These huge stones arose about a million years ago as a result of erosion. Boulders diameter ranges from 50 cm to 6 meters. Some of them are equilibrated at each other, and other randomly scattered throughout the valley. It seems that someone specially scattered these huge stones, or did it a powerful stream of water. In fact, the reason for the appearance of these boulders - the most common rock erosion.
Formation of giant stones began at a time when the lava began to trickle through the cracks in the ground, covering a topsoil. As a result, granite began to crack, forming huge blocks. But its rounded boulders form must constantly exposed to wind and water.
These huge stones arose about a million years ago as a result of erosion. Boulders diameter ranges from 50 cm to 6 meters. Some of them are equilibrated at each other, and other randomly scattered throughout the valley. It seems that someone specially scattered these huge stones, or did it a powerful stream of water. In fact, the reason for the appearance of these boulders - the most common rock erosion.
Formation of giant stones began at a time when the lava began to trickle through the cracks in the ground, covering a topsoil. As a result, granite began to crack, forming huge blocks. But its rounded boulders form must constantly exposed to wind and water.