In the US segment of the ISS ammonia leak sensor load

Picture Source: Wikipedia.
According to Federal Space Agency , today around 11:44 Moscow time the US segment of the International Space Station (ISS) was isolated. The crew was forced to wear a segment masks and evacuate the Russian part of the station. Now there are three Russian, two American and one Italian astronaut (four men and two women). At least a day, they will have to huddle at one-fourth of a toilet station. All of them are safe.
The reasons for the evacuation of Russian and American sides speak with varying degrees of confidence. Roscosmos said on the release of harmful substances into the air station, while at NASA as the cause of anxiety in a faulty sensor leakage of ammonia.
Again, the #ISS crew is safe inside the Russian segment after an alarm indicated a coolant pressure spike. No ammonia leak confirmed.- NASA (NASA) January 14, 2015 blockquote> Canadian astronaut Кристофер Hadfield , happened more than once to the ISS, following the developments in his Twitter . He writes that the ammonia used in the station systems REFRIGERATOR and heat exchange, as is an excellent refrigerant. Such an emergency - one of the three, to the action in which the crew of the most well-prepared.
Ammonia is used for cooling through pipes & heat exchangers on the outside of Station. If it breaks through inside it is one of the big 3.- Chris Hadfield (Cmdr_Hadfield) January 14, 2015 blockquote > Currently at NASA gather information and develop further plan of action.
According to the materials The Verge .